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19 세기 흑인 여성 작가의 글쓰기와 흑인 여성의 정체성 - 해리어트 윌슨의 자서전적 소설과 해리어트 제이콥스의 자서전
Writing as Black Women and Black Female Subjectivity in the Nineteenth Century
구은숙(Eun Sook Koo)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-840-006446637

Slave naratives written by female writers have remained in obscurity for over a century. However, two very important works by black women writers have recently been discovered and their authenticity has been proved; Harriet Wilson`s Our Nig which is the first piece of fiction written by a black woman, and Harriet Jacobs`s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. These two autobiographical works share the generic traits of both the slave narrative and the domestic novel. At the same time they try to revise these genres in order to create a new literary style and space in which they can represent the unique experiences of black women as slaves and mothers. These two writers bring into light the tabooed subjects of sexual exploitation of black slave women by white masters and of interracial marriage between blacks and whites. In the process of writing, they deconstruct the racial and sexual discourse of the dominant whites. Although both Our Nig and Incidents are autobiographical, Our Nig is in a strict sense an autobiographical fiction and Incidents, an autobiography. Harriet Wilson blurs the boundary between fiction and autobiography in order to overcome the limitation of autobiography and creates a unique style. By transcending the generic distinction, she is free to assert her authorial control over her wok and distance herself from the memories of painful experiences. She then foresees the advancement of African-American fiction and connects the slave narrative to the genre of fiction. Jacobs also analyzes and predicts the problems that modern black women, like their slave ancestors of the last century, still have to face. She suggests very modern solutions to these issues such as female bonding to further social change; an alternative to marriage for women; and the politicization of personal experiences. These two women writers, who wrote to enlighten the public and bring about social change, are the pioneers to redirect both the African-American and the women`s literary tradition.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]