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『 아그네스 그레이 』 에 나타난 일인칭 서사 : 독자 공감의 서사 기법을 중심으로
A Study of the First - Person Narrative in Agnes Grey : Narrative Techniques for Gaining the Reader's Sympathy
이소희(So Hee Lee)
영미문학페미니즘 4권 197-221(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-840-005750349

This article explores the first-person narrative in Agens Grey(1847) by Anne Bronte¨, focussing on the narrative technique to bring forth the reader`s sympathy. Anne Bronte¨`s purpose in writing Agnes Grey is to remind Victorian readers of an alienated group of working women by depicting a governess`s everyday life realistically. Anne Bronte¨ employs the literary genre of fictional autobiography as a crucial writing strategy in order to gain the reader`s trust in Agnes Grey`s story as a medium for presenting her own experience in the contemporary 1840s British society. Agnes Grey`s self-reflective and self-retrospective narrative technique portrays Anne Bronte¨`s experience faithfully to the reader. Anne Bronte¨`s self-representation, through the first-person narrative, is much more persuasive and appealing than Charles Dickens`s sensational social realism, because of Agnes Grey`s calm and gentle narrative tone. It is more politically effective for a woman`s writing, which exposes the real everyday life of a governess. The relationship between woman and language in the patriarchal society has influenced Anne Bronte¨`s writing style in the factual world and Agnes Crey`s speaking narrative in the fictional world. For instance, Anne Bronte¨ often uses italic letters when she expresses her love for Weston or when her own ideas are in contrast with the dominant ideology concerning Victorian femininity. In short, the first-person narrative in Agnes Grey illustrates what is the most effective narrative technique for attracting a widely sympathetic readership and how to utilize it to transform a woman`s marginalized experience into sympathy and awakening, enhancing a more humanized and egalitarian society.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]