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흑인 페미니즘 이론에서의 ' 몸 '
The ' Body ' in Black Feminist Theories
태혜숙(Hea Sook Tae)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-840-005104247

The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the cultural political potentiality of Black female body by exploring Black feminist theories of Barbara Smith, bell hooks, Audre Lorde, Rose Brewer, and Patricia Hill Collins, who regard the multiplicity and simultaneity of oppressions as crucial to the matter of representing Black women`s bodies. To do that, this paper focuses on the specific aspects of Black female sexuality and labor. Working with and over the insights of Frantz Fanon, Stuart Hall, and Homi Bhabha, Black feminist theorists try to make Black female body visible and a significant place of resistance. They conceptualize sexuality as one important site where heterosexism, class, race, nation, and gender as systems of oppression converge. Then, they reveal the sexual politics of Black womanhood that shaped Black women`s experiences with pornography, prostitution, and rape relied upon racist, sexist, and heterosexist ideologies to exploit Black women`s sexualities and bodies. Especially, hooks problematizes such myths of Black women as matriarch and mammy because they have colonized Black women`s bodies by desexualizing Black womanhood. Analyzing the economic restructuring of the global capitalism since 1970s, Collins points out the global gendered apartheid, which the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy has constructed and caused the poverty and sick bodies of Black women. In this context, the location of Black female body can be sought in each specific `homeplace` resistant to the global gendered apartheid.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]