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직장인 문제 음주 예방 프로그램 개발과 운영방안
The Development and Management of Prevention Program for Alcoholic Employee
이미형(Mi Hyoung Lee),이영자(Young Ja Lee)
정신간호학회지 9권 2호 180-194(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-005519927

Although the proportion of alcoholic employee in the work place is considerable high in Korea, no prevention program has been yet developed for them. The researchers developed the prevention program based on the literatures and their field experiences. Eight subjects of the program for the prevention of alcoholism were developed. They were 1) Alcohol drinking culture in Korea 2) The physiological effects of alcohol in the body 3) Alcohol abuse and alcoholism 4) How to refrain alcohol in social life 5) Alcohol problem and family life and 6) Stress management. The management of stress includes the effective human relationship, the methods of conflict solution and meditation methods. Then the researcher proposed the development and management for the effective implementation of the prevention program for alcoholic employee in Korean society.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]