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D. H. 로렌스를 생태비평으로 읽기 : 『 채털리 부인의 연인 』 의 경우
An Ecocritical Reading of D. H. Lawrence`s Lady Chatterley`s Lover
강용기(Yong Ki Kang)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-740-005126097

Any literary work might invite an ecocritical reading inasmuch as any theme, plot, setting, or language, which is manifested in the work, is ecocentric or anti-environmental. Because humans unavoidably interact with place, a literary work tends to reveal a view of nature, either explicitly or implicitly. And if the view of nature, which is manifested in the work, tends to `preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community` as Aldo Leopold puts it, we might name such a writing environmental literature. Class awareness starts at the very outset of Lady Chatterley`s Lover. A theme of class conflict is reified through Clifford`s domineering attitude against Mellors or pit workers even though Lawrence does not seem to favor the industrialist, life mode of the workers. The plot itself is a process of Clifford`s being dispossessed. Also, this novel might read as an association of women and nature on the premise that the image of nature does not defile that of women. Connie is compared to a liveliness of nature while being associated with the oppressed image of nature. Some feminist critics--Kate Millett, more vehemently than anyone else--often attack Lawrence`s androcentrism or phallicism. However, a notice on the recovery of Connie`s true nature enables us to rethink Kate Millett`s criticism that Lawrence is an insidious sexist addled in phallicism. In this work, Lawrence persistently criticizes industrialist expansionism, which, according to the ecofeminist`s viewpoint, is intertwined with all kinds of discriminations in terms of class, gender, and human-nonhuman relationships. He surely provides our contemporary readers with ecocritically significant perspectives although this novel differentiates itself from the recent environmental literature in that the authorial voice concentrates on the humanity distorted by the industrialist culture rather than focusing on the deterioration of ecosystem.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]