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KCI 후보
Evaluation Grid Method 를 이용한 Website 감성사용성 구조 추출에 관한 연구
Derivation of the Website Kansei Usability Structure using Evaluation Grid Method
김지관(Jie Kwan Kim)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-520-000281867

By the increase of the internet users and the improvement of network technologies, websites become not only for the company advertisement or sales tool, but also does one of the prominent research domain of the human factors, human-computer interaction, and Kansei engineering. Recently many kinds of website evaluation results were published that based on user-interface expert`s experiences and heuristic evaluations that has the limitations to deliver the much information about the usability to the designers and programmers. This paper applied the newly developed technique of EGM (Evaluation Grid Method) to test the appropriateness and efficiency for the website usability test in terms of Kansei engineering. Then, experiment was performed using 30 websites of small-to-medium-sized enterprise to verity the applicability of EGM for the website usability evaluation.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]