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단보 : 홍경희와 도시지리학
Short Article : Professor Kyung Hi Hong and her Urban Geography
성준용 ( Jun Yong Sung )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-980-003763023

본고는 洪慶姬(1919. 5. 8 - 2001. 6. 6) 선생이 한국의 도시지리학의 초창기에 도시지리학의 발달에 어떻게 공헌하였는가를 그녀의 연구업적을 토대로 고찰한 것이다.

This paper aims to investigate the academic contribution of professor Kyung Hi Hong to the development of the Korean urban geography through her extensive studies. By investigation her studies it turned out that her studies were the earliest and the largest in their number in the early stage of urban geography. In particular, her articles were proved to be outstanding in the five parts of urban geography such as the study of the location, distribution and size of the city, urbanization, urban function, urban residential pattern, and central place except the studies of the urban system.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]