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최수운 한시의 문헌적 고찰
Philological Study on Choi Su Wun`s Poems
윤석산 ( Yoon Suk San )
한국언어문화 22권 197-220(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-710-003149652

Philological Study on Choi Su Wun`s Poems. This study provides philological consideration on the poems of Choi Su Wun(崔水雲), founder of Dong Hak, He left 13 pieces of poetry in his anthology, Dong Kyong Dae Jeon(東經大全). These poetic works have something to do with his religious life, and this can be found in some of the titles of his works. In other words, his poems written in Chinese characters denote religious prophecy, achievement and awakening. We can find that in six of his 13 works many fragmented verses constitute on poem under one poem under one title. We presume that this peculiar constitution is on account of the fact that Hae Wol, one of his disciples, edited his works this way when publishing Dong Kyung Dae Jeon arter Choi Su Wun was beheaded. Therefore it is very difficult to ascertain the motive or discover the date for these six works, and only the date that the fragmented verses were written are known to us. On the other hand, it was comparatively easy to find the date and the motive for the rest of his works. On the basis of theme, his poems can be categorized into 1) the works describing religious prophecy, 2) the works emphasizing religious discipline and 3) the works chanting religious awakening. The works belonging to the first category are Gyul, Woo-Eum, Kang-Si and Jeol-Gu. Jwa-Jam, Yoo-Go-Eum and Si-Moon belong to the second category, and the third category is composed of Ip-Chun-Si, Wha-Gyul-Si, Yong-So and so on. Choi Su Wun`s poems writted in Chinese characters are closely related to his religious life. All these works express his religious awakening, meditation or discipline.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]