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KCI 등재
동남아 시민사회의 형성과 진화: 타이 사례를 중심으로
The Emergence and Evolution of Civil Society in Southeast Asia: Focusing on the Thai Case
박은홍 ( Park Eun Hong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-910-003096178

The state-NGO relationship in Thailand has swung back and forth between collaboration and antagonism. Thai civil society began to be expanded as results of student movement against monolithic military regime. Paradoxically the military-led developmentalism had made university students` influences increased. The military regime was collapsed by the students who led civil society. The weakened `bureaucratic polity` made room for the growth of civil society which accompanied the spread of pluralistic values. But the leadership of students did not satisfy liberal civil society. They searched after radical communitarianism. However, they confronted the attack of grand conservative alliance which was composed of extreme rightist, royal family, and middle class. The bloody terror of October 1976 was committed by rightists. Dictatorship resurged. Not a few of the students and activists joined Communist Party of Thailand whose base camp was in the jungle. But they came down from the mountain before long beacuse of intraparty conflicts and China and Vietnam`s withdrawing support to them. Some of activists who were disappointed in lefitist activities participated development NOGs that tackled the issues of forest and environmental protection, prostitution, and the education and living condition in urban ghetto areas under the slogan, "habitants-participatory democracy and its continuous growth." We can call the 1980s and NGO period. NOG activists rapidly increased. The social forces which led civil society changed from students group to NGO. Many NGOs joined "Black May" incident of 1992 followed by the invigoration and democratization. NOGs played a key rolein strengthening civil society. But they have some limits. First, the percentage of NGOs relying on foreign funding is the highest. Secondly, `good governance` supported by most of NOGs is not beyond elite-led civil society concept. Thirdly, the underpriviliged social forces such as labor, peasant and the urban poor were still marginalised even though the status of NGO improved comparatively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]