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KCI 등재
특수형태근로종사자의 노동법적 보호방안 연구
A Study on Measures for Protection of Workers in Special Types of Employment by Labor Laws
장의성 ( Eui Sung Jang )
사회보장연구 21권 2호 135-167(33pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-330-002249200

우리나라 특수형태근로종사자에 대한 법원의 태도는 현행 노동법 체계 하에서는 근로기준법상 근로자로 볼 수 없기 때문에 노동법적 보호를 할 수가 없다는 입장이다. 따라서 이들에 대한 법적 보호는 노동법 제·개정 등을 통해 입법정책적으로 할 수밖에 없다. 특수형태근로종사자 노동법적 보호의 구체적 내용은, 『① 근로자·특수형태근로종사자·사용자 등 3분법 체계를 인정하는 특별법을 제정하고, ② 특수형태근로종사자의 법적 정의와 법적 지위(근로종사자와 자영인의 2중적지위 및 근로자와 사용자의 중간적지위)규정을 명문화한다. ③ 근로자냐 특수형태근로종사자냐 사용자냐하는 다툼 발생시 이를 판단할 `근로형태심사위원회`라는 법적 기구를 노동부에 설치하여 법원 판결 이전상태에서 오는 법적 불안정성을 방지하는 것이다. 또한 특수형태근로종사자의 법적 지위 즉 2중적 지위와 중간적 지위 성격상, ④ 개별근로규정은 일반근로자에 비해 보호범위가 적으며, ⑤ 집단근로규정은 헌법제33조에 입각한 노동3권이 인정되지 않는다. 다만 헌법제32조 근로의 권리와 헌법제21조 결사의 자유에 입각하여 특별법규정으로 직업별 단체의 설립과 교섭 그리고 협약체결권은 인정하되 단체행동은 금지한다』는 것을 골자로 하고 있다.

The position of the courts on workers in special types of employment is that these workers cannot be protected by labor laws, because they are not considered workers defined by the Labor Standards Act. Therefore, the only way to give them legal protection is by relying on legislative policies such as the enactment or amendment of labor laws. Specifically speaking, to give legal protection to workers in special employment, ① a special law can be established that classifies workforce into three parts, such as workers, workers in special employment and employers. ② The definition and status (Their status is double both as workers and the self-employed and falls in the middle between workers and employers) of workers in special employment can be stipulated by laws. ③ A legal body called the "Diagnosis Committee for Workers in Special Employment", which makes a judgement, when there is a dispute over whether a certain worker should be categorized as a worker, a worker in special employment, or an employer can be set up within the Ministry of Labor, thereby being able to prevent legal insecurity that could happen before a court ruling is delivered. ④ Because of the unique nature of their double and middle status, workers in special employment are protected less by provisions on individual labor relations than general workers. ⑤ Moreover, provisions on collective labor relations fail to guarantee these workers three basic labor rights stipulated by the Constitution. However, under special laws based on Article 32 (Right to Work) and Article 21 (Freedom of Association) of the Constitution, workers in special types of employment are granted the right to organize a group by occupational area, the right to collective bargaining and the right to collective agreements while being prohibited from taking collective action.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]