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옛말 문법교육을 통한 고려가요 <동동(動動)>의 효과적 이해 방안 모색
A study on effective ways to understand Koryeogayo through education of Middle Korean grammar
양세희 ( Se Hui Yang )
한국어문교육 9권 101-127(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-350-002366736

이 연구의 목적은 옛말 문법교육을 통해 고려가요 <동동>을 올바르게 이해하는 방안을 모색하는 데 있다. 시가를 이해하는 데 있어서 화자에 대한 이해는 매우 중요하다. 화자를 이해하기 위해서는 옛말 문법 지식이 필요하다. 하지만 지금까지는 어구의 의미를 단순하게 설명하는 데 문법 지식이 사용되었고. 훈고주석을 경계하여 문법 지식 없이 작품을 이해해 왔다. 그래서 이 연구는 옛말 문법교육을 통해 작품의 화자를 이해하고, 이를 통해 작품을 효과적으로 이해하고 감상하는 방안을 제안한다. 또한 교육방법으로서 인지주의 이론가들의 연구를 확장시켜 만들어진 CVD 프로그램을 제안한다.

The purpose of this paper is to grope teaching method of Middle Korean grammar for understanding Koryeogayo ``Dongdong`` properly. Meanwhile, on the understanding and appreciation of classical literature, which are separated from each other aspects of education. Teaching Middle Korean grammar can be contributed to help students understand the work, as well as appreciation for the work enough. In other words, it is stressed the necessity for education of Middle Korean grammar. In addition to this, it means that is needed the classic works of literature, which showed the context of use of grammatical knowledge, so that students learn Middle Korean grammar effectively. It is very important to understand a speaker for understanding a poem. And in order to understand the speaker, it requires knowledge of Middle Korean grammar. However, until now it has been used knowledge of grammar to explain simply the meaning of the phrase of the work, or it has been understood the work without knowledge of grammar against explanatory notes. Thus, this study suggest the effective ways to understand and appreciate the work by understanding of the speaker of work through education of Middle Korean grammar. I also propose CVD program, which was designed to extend the work of the cognitive theorists, as the instructional method.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]