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中學語文閱讀敎學的進展與趨勢 -基於魯迅《故鄕》的個案硏究
The Direction of the Development of Chinese Literacy Education -A Case Study of Teaching Hometown by Roshin-
徐鵬 ( Peng Xu )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-530-002323195

近六十年來中國在中學閱讀敎學方面進行了多方面的探索。從敎學目標來看, 呈現出"閱讀知識-閱讀能力-閱讀素養"的位移; 從敎學內容來看, 經曆了"閱讀知識本位-閱讀能力本位-閱讀素養本佳"的轉換; 從敎學方法來看, 則展現出"講授-訓練"模式、"示範-訓練"模式、"體驗-對話"模式的演變軌跡。21世紀的中學閱讀敎學硏究將回歸到科學化的道路, 着重解決三個問題: 閱讀敎學目標的操作性、閱讀敎學內容的確定性、閱讀敎學方法的有效性。

For the past 60 years, Chinese educators have been investigating various effective ways to teach reading in secondary schools. In the process of development of reading instruction in China, three main issues were always controversial: what, how, and why do we teach? "What do we teach" refers to reading curriculum, "How do we each" is related to reading instruction, and "Why do we teach" is closely connected with educational objectives of reading. In China, the educational objectives of reading lesson has shift from teaching knowledge to improving reading skills and to foster diverse and successful literacy practices. The characteristics of the objectives changed from accurate to abstract due to the different assumptions. The shifts in Chinese reading curriculum also identify similar trends and issues. In the mid of 20 century, knowledge was the main content in reading classes. Later in 1990s, reading instruction was more focused on improving reading skills by drilling exercises. Recently, the content of reading class has been much more diversified into basic reading knowledge, reading skills and strategies, and construction of positive reading attitudes. Finally, for instructional method of reading, Chinese reading education has been moved from knowledge-based "lesson-memorization", to skill-based "modeling-exercises" and to thinking-based "activity-dialogue".

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]