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포스트모더니즘의 문법 -백남준의 예술을 중심으로-
A Grammar of Postmodernism: The Art of Nam June Paik
이정호 ( Chong Ho Lee )
인문논총 28권 65-79(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-300-002296291

The art of Nam June Paik deserves our special attention when we talk about postmodern art. His art defies and, at the same time, embraces main characteristics of postmodernism. He can be described as a postmodern artist in that in his art he freely uses postmodern elements as his material. In this respect, his video art is one of the most renovating art forms of the postmodern era. What makes him stand out, however, as one of the foremost postmodern artists is that in his video art, for which he has earned the reputation of being the first video artist in the world, he uses highly advanced and still developing high-tech computer technology. In this regard his video art will be expanding as long as electronics and computer science are developing in the future. Even though Paik is utilizing state-of-the-art computer technology in his video art, he refuses to recklessly borrow from or copy other artists. He is unique in the sense that while he takes advantage of Western technology in his video art, he freely uses Korean and Oriental motifs for his art. This is his grammar of postmodernism. As he once said, therefore, his video art will be ever new as long as he is ready to adapt ever-advancing computer technology to his art.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]