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언어활동(言語活動)의 지시(指示)적 조직(組織)의 형식화(形式化)에 관하여 -한(韓),불어(佛語)의 후치(後置),전치사(前置詞)의 예를 중심으로-
On the formalization of the enunciative-deictic mechanism: the example of the pre-postposition in Korean and in French
박형달 ( Hyong Dal Pak )
인문논총 40권 1-102(102pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-000-002443466

In saussurian linguistics as in guillaumian psychomechanics, the activity of language (or the circuit if the speech) has benn apprehended as the ego(I) centric pair of I-You, taking the visible concrete(=I as real/lexical interrogative entity) for the invisible abstract(=You as interrogative grammatical marker), and vice-versa, with this difference that it presupposes or not the notion of kinetism. This same egocentric apprehension of the circuit has led to the error of treating two types of grammatical marker(pre-postposed to the lexical in French and in Korean), such as the gender-honorofic relating to the man-things and the intrasentential preposition-particle of case, under the separate label and in this implicit order. In order to surpass the limits of this lexico-grammatical(=incidencial/combinatory) treatment, it is necessary to reconstitute the kinetico-synaptic(You-centric) non arbitrary mechanism of the person, namely, to reduce the pair of the non synaptic(timeless/I-centric) circuit to two distinct synaptic times: the before(pure question-response: zero honorific) and the after (Q. -R. : Honorofic), that is, to apprehend the general synaptic mechanism(You → / ← I), which is equivalent to the following formula: "genesis → (synaptifying)/synaptifee", or "flexional person → (verbal person)/ pronominal person", or else "theory(general phonology) □ general morphology □ internal syntax □ external syntax". N.B: the absence/presence of bracket corresponds to the synaptic order 1/2; the slash(/) indicates the limit of the internal(left)/external(right) synaptic pair; the arrow (→/←) shows the synaptic movement or order.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]

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