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KCI 등재
나혜석 문학연구의 현황과 과제
The Present Situation and the Task of the Study on Na Hye-seok`s Literature
송명희 ( Myung Hee Song )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-740-002374814

이 논문은 나혜석의 문학연구의 현황을 살펴보고 앞으로의 연구 방향과 과제에 대해서 논의하였다. 나혜석은 현재 남겨진 자료의 관점에서 보면 화가로서보다는 문학가로서의 정체성이 더 확고하다. 나혜석의 문학연구가 동시대의 다른 여성작가보다 더 진전된 이유가 전집이 먼저 발간된 데 있다고 보고, 신뢰할 수 있는 전집이 나오기까지의 과정을 살펴보았다. 또한 <나혜석기념사업회>가 결성되어 심포지엄을 매년 개최함으로써 나혜석 연구의 활성화가 가능했다. 나혜석 연구의 현황을 단행본과 학위논문, 소논문 별로 살펴보았다. 그런데 나혜석만을 단독 연구대상으로 삼은 박사논문은 아직 나오지 않았다. 이는 나혜석 작품의 양적 빈곤과 작가의 문학사적 비중이 낮은 데 이유가 있다. 나혜석에 관한 소논문은 1980년대부터 100여 편이 발표되었는데, 1990년대에 접어들어 활발해지다가 2000년대 이후 양산되었다. 나혜석 문학연구는 우리나라의 페미니즘 비평이 활발해진 시기와 맞물리며 전개되었는데, 연구 결과 나혜석은 근대를 대표하는 페미니즘 문학가로 평가되었다. 나혜석 연구는 글쓰기의 표현방식과 페미니즘이라는 주제의 양 측면으로 이루어졌다. 그리고 나혜석 연구는 소설 「경희」 한 편에 치중하는 양상을 보이는 한편, 외국의 여성작가와 비교하는 논문이 18편이나 나와 있다는 점도 특이하다. 그간 나혜석의 주요 연구자들의 연구 성과를 살펴보았는데, 특히 일문학자들은 국문학자들이 접근하기 어려운 일본문학의 자료들을 통하여 나혜석의 페미니즘 형성에 영향을 미친 서구 및 일본의 영향관계를 밝히는 데 기여하였다. 나혜석은 근대기를 대표하는 여성작가로서 주제적 측면에서 페미니즘이라는 계몽의식에 투철한 작품을 썼고, 그 의식의 첨단성은 오늘날에도 새로움을 느낄 만큼 혁명적이다. 하지만 여성문학사가 아니라 주류 문학사에서도 나혜석이 기술되기 위해서는 페미니즘을 넘어서는 다양한 방법론으로 그의 문학이 재조명되고, 그 문학적 가치를 인정받을 때에 가능할 것이다.

This study has a character like a history of research that says the process of study on Na Hyeseok`s works. She keeps identity more as a writer than as a painter from the viewpoint of remaining materials. The reason why the study about her works have made more progress than contemporary other female writers` is that her complete works were released earlier than others. We looked over the process of making two reliable complete works, Lee Sang-kyung`s in 2000 and Seo Jeong-ja`s in 2001. And another reason is, making ``the Foundation for Na Hye-seok``, we could hold ``the symposium for knowing about Na Hyeseok correctly``. We figured out the fruits of the symposium. I looked over books and theses concerning Study on Na Hye-seok, there are 21 books and 40 master`s theses. And she is treated as one of the female writers in early modern ages in around 10 doctor`s theses. Comparing other female writers, she has been shed on in regard to some subjects like eroticism, sexuality, and modernity. However, nobody studied solo, writing a doctor`s thesis, because she has just 6 short stories, 6 poems, and 1 play, respectively, moreover, most of her works are essays related to feminism and art which are not enough for a subject of literature works. In brief, I figured out that it came from quantitative shortage in works and in her low reputation in history of literature. Around 100 article on Na Hye-seok have been published from 1980`s, it was getting popular entering 1990`s, and it has been growing tremendously since 2000. Study on Na Hyeseok`s works began to develop the time when feminist criticism was getting popular, Na Hyeseok became regarded as a representative feminist writer. Studies focusing on the way how to write feminine writing, autobiographical writing, confession literature, and thematic sides such as feminism, modernity, the experience of colonization, images of female intellectuals, images of modern girls, sexuality, eroticism, and Christian observance were released. These studies are dealt within a big framework, feminism. And we can see that studies about Na Hye-seok concentrate on only the novel, 「Kyunghee」, on the other hand, there are already 18 comparative literature theses which are comparing her as a feminist writer with foreign female writers. Meanwhile, there have been principal researchers, Lee Sang-kyung, Seo Jung-ja, Song Myung-hee, Jeong Sun-jin, Choi Hye-sil, Lee Deok-hwa, An Suk-won, Noh Young-hee, and Kim Hwa-young, and so on. Especially, Noh Young-hee and Kim Hwa-young have contributed to showing the effect relations between the West and Japan which affected her formation of feminism with materials of Japanese literature which are hard to approach for scholars of Korean literature. Na Hyeseok, as a representative female writer in modern times, wrote thoroughly enlightening works which have the theme regarding feminism, and the recentness of the enlightenment was very innovative as we can feel newness of it today. But, to be treated not only in the history of female literature but also in the mainstream history of literature, it`s not possible until her works are described in various ways beyond feminism, and the literary value achieves recognition.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]