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불모성의 비애와 충만한 감각의 세계 -박성룡의 초기시를 중심으로
The Sorrows of a Barren Nature and the World of a Full Sensation: Mainly Park, Sung-ryong`s Early Poetry
강유환 ( Yu Hwan Kang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-800-002842363

본고는 박성룡의 초기시에 드러난 시적 개성을 두 가지 측면에서 조명하였다. 초기시의 특징적인 한 측면은 자연과 대비되는 자아의 불모성에 있다. 시인에게 자연은 자신의 삶을 성찰하게 하는 전통적 가치를 지닌다. 여기서 얻은 체험을 표현한 작품에는 대체적으로 비애의 목소리가 들어있다. 이 비애감은 어떤 결실을 기대할 수 없거나 식물이 자랄 수 없는 불모성과 관련이 있다. 꿈꾸지만 낙과한 꿈이고 고단하게 영위하는 삶 또한 사소한 그림자여서 시인의 내부에서 잠깐 맺혔다가 소멸된다. 뿌리 내리기 힘든 불모지의 현실에서 꿈을 뿌리는 시인의 행위는 비애감을 유발할 수밖에 없다. 불모 상태에서 벗어나 ``풋물``에라도 젖고 싶었던 화자는 지향하는 공간으로 편입할 수 없는 데서 오는 비애의식이 초기시의 한 세계를 구축했다. 다른 하나는 박성룡 특유의 감각적 구체성에 대한 것이다. 그는 관찰대상에 세밀하게 접사하여 자아의 내면에 내려앉은 아름다운 세계를 탁월한 기법을 통해 표현했다. 특히 두 개 이상의 감각을 결합하여 자신의 체험을 개성 있는 보조관념으로 형상화하는 데서 그는 시는 빛을 발했다. 대상의 치밀한 관찰에서 오는 내면의 파동을 여러 감각으로 자유롭게 직조한 많은 시에는 이런 박성룡만의 개성이 잘 보존되어 있다. 소재를 다각적으로 바라보며 분석하고 시어의 새로운 발견, 새로운 리듬의 창조, 자신이 느낀 감동을 색다른 감각화를 통해 표현하려고 한 박성룡 시인의 시작법은 초기시의 특징을 구성하는 두 번째 큰 축이다. 초기시에 표현된 충만한 감각의 세계는 매우 귀하고 개성적인 것이다. 박성룡의 시사적 자리매김은 이런 점에서 찾아야 한다고 생각한다. 당시 척박하고 어려운 풍토였지만 박성룡 시인은 늘 사물을 다각도로 관찰하여 분석하고 늘 새롭게 시어를 발견하고자 했다. 또한 시인 본연의 자세를 갖추고 자신이 느낀 감동을 색다른 방법을 통해 표현하려고 한 그의 초기시에는 거의 대가에 가까운 원숙함과 품격이 내재되어서 현대시 유산에 명편 여러 편을 더한 시인으로 평가하기에 충분하다.

Park, Sung-ryong who published「A fruit tree」as a new work at Sjinpoongtowhich was the young poets` anthology evoked a great response in the poetry circles in the year 1959, setting a high value on his poetical abilities as a new lyric poetry due to a novel originality of selected languages and poetical structure, or as a sample of the transformational lyricism poetry. The personality of the only Park, Sung-ryong appeared in his poetry early and this thesis focused attention on his world of poetry. A characteristic side in early his poetry is to be compared .self-barren nature with the nature. The nature to poet has a traditional value to reflect on his own life. Generally speaking, his works to express a real experience gained at this place contained a sorrowful voice. Such a sense of sorrow is related to each other between things incapable of expecting fruits, or a barren nature incapable of growing plants. Though he dreams that he will be a success, yet it is a failing dream, life of hardships, and a trivial shadow, so that it comes into bearing at the poet`s inner world for a while and disappeared from sight. There is nothing for it but to give rise to a sense of sorrow in such poet`s act who sows a dream in reality of a barren land where hardly takes root in the ground. The speaker who would like to wet his throat with a fresh-water to free himself from a condition of a barren land built a new world of early poetry due to a sense of sorrow which is incapable of including into such a space to orient his ideas to new conditions. On the other hand, it is something to do with his own unique sensual concreteness. He expressed a beautiful world which sat on the inside of the ego through an excellent technique with an in-depth investigation to the object of observation in detail. His poetry cut an eminent figure in the poetic world by figuring his own experience into an assistant idea of personality from his own experience to unite the sense over two especially. There is well preserved on his individuality in a lot of poetry which freely weaved his own wave of inside to come from a detailed observation of an object through various senses. His poems added an aesthetic sense to the space between the lines of poetry the senses matching with the senses which were moved through his imagination. There is no sense of sorrow like a feeling due to being difficult to approach an object. A speaker who coincided with an object mostly appears in the foreground in the world of synaesthetic image which faithfully fills only his own language. It is 2nd great axis that his poesy which composes the traits in an early poetry in order to express his own emotion looking at a poetic material, analyzing them, new discovery of a poetic diction, and creation of a new rhythm and so on., through a new sensual description. The world of a full sense which expressed at the early poetry by him was very precious and of individuality. This researcher think that we shall find his suggestive position from this point. Though it was a poetic climate barren and difficult then, yet he, Park, Sung-ryong, the poet always made an effort to discover a new poetic word, observing things through multiple methods and analyzing them. Also, there was immanent to immanent to reach maturity and dignity as a great man of poetry nearly from his early poetry to express his own emotion through a novel method to keep the right way that a poet should be, so that as Kim, Jong-gil`s comment, we could set his value enough as a poet who added a master poetry of various volumes to a hereditament of modern poetries.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]