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KCI 후보
기관사 신체특성을 고려한 철도차량 운전실 설계
The Study on The Locomotive Cab Design Considering Driver`s Physical Characteristics in Korea
최돈범 ( Don Bum Choi ) , 박찬우 ( Chan Woo Park ) , 왕종배 ( Jong Bae Wang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-530-002596094

The ergonomic design approaches are not sufficient on the railway system especially on the locomotives` cab in Korea. Moreover, the specifications on the design are not provided as a legal condition. In this study, the domestic driver`s anthropometirc characterics were compared against the UIC`s design criteria used in the cab design. The problems come from drivers` physical characteristics are verified with the rolling stock running in Korea meeting the visibility and operability of the UIC`s. These studies including environmental factors (air conditioning, noise, vibration, control desk layout, seats etc.) are useful on estabilishing the design specification of the driver`s cab.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]