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KCI 등재
한일 청년실업정책의 비교연구
A Comparative Study of the Youth Unemployment Policies Between Korea and Japan
류지성 ( Ji Sung Rhyu )
한국동북아논총 69권 243-264(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-900-001625238
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

이 논문은 유사사례 비교연구방법을 활용해 한국과 일본의 청년실업정책을 비교하고 우리 정부의 청년실업문제 해결방안을 분석해 정책적 시사점을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 유사체제 비교연구설계방법에 입각해 비교 기준을 정책목표, 추진기관, 협력주체, 주요 특징으로 나누어 분석한 결과, 두 국가의 청년실업정책은 거시적인 측면에서는 유사하나 세부적인 면에서 의미 있는 차이가 있었으며, 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정책 목표에서 한국은 국가 인재 양성, 일본은 청년의 자립 실현에 초점을 두고 있었다. 둘째, 추진 기관에서 한국은 고용노동부를 중심으로 지역 고용센터, 공공기관에서 프로그램을 개별적으로 추진하지만 일본은 후생노동성을 중심으로 직업 안정을 담당하는 헬로우 워크로 일원화하고 있다. 셋째, 협력 주체 부문에서 한국은 고등학교, 대학교, 민간(기업)이 정부 부처를 중심으로 연계하지만 일본은 헬로우 워크가 중심으로 청년 구직자와 실업자에 대한 판단 이후에 해당 서비스를 연결해주는 형태라고 할 수 있다. 넷째, 주요 특징에서 한국은 단기 일자리를 창출하려는 경향이 강하지만 일본은 교과 과정 내에서 진로 교육을 실시하고 시험 고용 이후 정규직 채용의 가능성이 높은 점에서 차이가 있다는 사실을 밝혔다.

The primary purpose of this study is to analyse the Korean youth unemployment policies by comparing with the Japanese policies. ‘The most similar system design’ has been adopted as a method of comparing the both nations` youth unemployment policies. The methodological strategy utilized in this study, called ‘most similar systems’ comparison design` is fairly clear. Common systemic characteristics are conceived of as ‘controlled over’ whereas intersystemic differences are viewed as explanatory variables. The number of common characteristics sought is maximal and the number of not shared characteristics sought minimal. In exercising these comparative logics, we have selected such four intersystemic comparative variables as ‘policy goals’, ‘governmental agencies in charged of making and implementing the programs’, ‘incorporative agencies such as universities, private companies and financial agencies’ and finally ‘the major characteristics of the policies or programs``. By examining and comparing the four comparative variables of each nations, we have come up with some conclusions that first, both nations have much in common in making and delivering the programs: especially, both nations` central governments have committed themselves to the problems, and tried to solve them by creating some of the labor agencies, their roles have help the unemployed youth find a right job. Secondly, the both governments have put great efforts in building the efficient networks with the private or public agencies in order to place the unemployed youth to the works. Lastly, the policies or programs were very much resemble each other especially in their goals, target groups, and sharps providing informations and some other services related to the job findings. However, there were some of the differences between both nations` approaches to resolve the problems. The Japanese governments tended to be more focused on the long term solutions in reducing the unemployment rate of youth. Instead, the Korean governments wanted to see the results in a short time of periods. The Korean governments seem to be in a hurry showing the positive effects in delivering the results of the programs. But it seems that the problems are not the easy one to resolve in the near future. Not only that we need to learn from the comparison that our government should pay its attentions not only in job findings or job creating related activities, but the variety of the desires the Korean youth may have in finding a working place.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]