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일본 헤이안 시대의 모노가타리 작품에 나타난 출생의 의례문화 연구 -그 신앙적 요소를 근저로 하여-
A study on the culture of birth rites in the works of Monogatari of Heian dynasty periods
신미진 ( Mi Jin Shin )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-000338993

日本の出産儀禮は信仰を根底として生成された習わしと風習により成され たといえる。平安時代の『うつほ物語』『源氏物語』『狹衣物語』の三つの テキストに現れる出産の儀禮文化をいろんな信仰と習俗を素材として考察し てみた。まず、もののけの觀念である。惱みや病の原因をもののけと信じた當時は その邪氣を拂うために加持祈禱や不斷の修法、弦打ち、打撒、御佩刀の飾り などが行われた。 次は、不淨(穢れ)の意識である。産穢のために、新しく産室を白く變えた り、よくない方向や住まいをさける方違えを卜したり、生まれた新生見の淨 化儀禮であるお湯殿の儀式を七日間實施した。 最後は、穀靈觀念である。穀物、特に稻に神の力が宿っていると信じて、 無病息災のために、産養いに存えられる廻り粥、き米、屯食や、五十日·百 日の祝宴に出る餠などを親類が一續に食べる共食の行爲が成された。 以上のような信仰を持っている出産の儀禮文化の考察を通して、儀禮の象 微的な意味が分かり、物語作品の新しい讀みができると思う。

The birth rites in Japan may be developed through custom and convention generated based on religious faiths. This study intends to reinterpret the Monogatari through the culture of birth rites by comparing several Monogatari works pre/post 『The Tale of Genji』. At first, Mononoke faith can be referred. The Mononoke indicates dead and live spirits and consequently leads mothers before/after delivery or ill persons to death by continuously afflicting them. In order to eliminate these spirits, the Buddhist incantation, Turuuchi and Uchimaki were conducted. A sword(Mihakashi) and ornaments with figures of tiger head and horn of rhinoceros were displaced near a new baby, which kept evil spirits from being able to access it. And the white faith can be considered, which is strongly related with impurity idea. Ornamented with only white materials which mean reproduction and revival, the delivery room promoted the birth. This room was not only the spiritual ``other world`` where we are confronted with strange space and contacts between this world and the other world, dead persons and live persons might be occurred, but also the filed which facilitated some spiritual beings such as Mononoke to rage indiscriminately. Finally, the grain spirit faith can be examined. Through the Ubuyasinai, an idea of the ``public meal`` in which relatives ate together the foods prepared for healthiness of pregnant woman was implemented. The rice, the most important food, that is, the symbol of life was assumed to be originated from kingdom of gods, and it was believed that there exists the spiritual power in rice cake, onigri and gruel as does in rice.

1. 서론
2. 모노노케 관념
3. 부정을 꺼리는 의식
4. 곡령신앙
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]