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KCI 등재
『원씨물어(源氏物語)』에 나타난 광원씨(光源氏)의 사랑과 봄의 의미
A study on Hikarugenji``s love and the meaning of spring in Genji-monogatari
이상경 ( Sang Gyeong Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-000339036

『源氏物語』の春には『古今集』の春に見られる華やかさやはかなさ以上に、光 源氏の紫上、女三宮への因緣として作用した藤壺との愛の世界の華やかさと苦惱が表 れる。光源氏は藤壺との結ばれない愛の苦しさを藤壺の意志を理解し榮華を成すことで 克服し、藤壺の死後には心を共有する關係へと昇華させたりもするが、その消え去らな い戀心は女三宮との結婚へと連なる。が、それは光源氏に藤壺との罪を再認識しなけ ればならない苦痛をもたらす。藤壺に似る紫上との愛もまた六條院春の邸宅を中心とした 華麗な世界を誇ることで成功するかのように見えたが、光源氏の藤壺への限りない戀し さはついに紫上に苦痛をもたらす。しかし度重なる春を通して、光源氏は苦痛を克服しな がらさらに深く成熟し、はかないがためにさらに美しい境地へとたどり着く世界を表す。ま るで自然の春がはかなさを伴うことでより美しく感じられるように、春に表れた光源氏の愛 もまた榮華の裏に後悔とはかなさを伴うことでより成熟し美しい境地へと至る、深みのある 愛の意味を?うことになるのである。

Hikarugenji`s forbidden love with Fujitsubo caused a new love to Murasakinoue and Onnasannomiya. These loves all started in spring. But the former fell eventually into disappointment while the latter achieved a beautiful world of successful love. Hikarugenji overcame the agony of a forbidden love with Fujitsubo through the understanding about her and cooperation with her. After her death he also tried to sublime the relationship into a mind-sharing relation. Hikarugenji`s marriage with Onnasannomiya brought the suffering of recognition about his sin of adultery with Fujitsubo, because Onnasannomiya committed the same adultery just as he had done before. He regretted his deeds and attitudes after Onnasannomiya`s renouncement and Kashiwagi`s suicide. His remorse led into maturity to overcome the suffering by mercy. On the other hand, Hikarugenji`s love with Murasakinoue, who was similar to Fujitsubo, was successful at the Mansion of Spring in Rokujoin-palace. However, his irresistible yearning for Fujitsubo made Murasakinoue painful. His deep love could be counted as the completion of love but only with transience. Just like the spring of nature, Hikarugenji`s love could have a deeper meaning. His love could reach the beautiful dimension of maturity through the regret and impermanence, which was a unique aesthetic found in Genji-monogatari.

2. 영화를 이루는 藤壺와의 사랑
3. 女三宮의 降嫁로 인한 고통
4. 재평가되는 紫上와의 사랑
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]