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『滿洲補充讀本』と滿洲兒童文學の誕生 -最近の石森延男硏究をぬぐって-
Manshu Hojutokuhon(Manchurian Sub-reader) and the Birth of Manchurian Children`s Literature -Concerning Recent Studies on Ishimori Nobuo
( Isoda Kazuo )
일본연구 23권 203-230(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002094250


Today it is generally expected in Japan that Kokugo Kyoiku (Japanese language education, esp. in elementary school) and children’s literature be closely related. In this sense, Ishimori Nobuo (1897-1987) contributed greatly to bridging the gap between Japanese language education and children’s literature and brought both sides closer to each other. He became a Japanese-language educator as well as a children’s literature writer while he was engaged in compilation of Manshu Hojutokuhon (Manchurian Sub-reader), the Japanese-language supplementary textbook for Japanese elementary schoolchildren residing in Manchuria, including Guandong (關東州). During his stay in Dalian for 13 years, he wrote many great stories for children and published children’s magazines energetically, all while organizing those teachers who were devoted to writing children’s stories, thus becoming a charismatic leader of the Manchurian children’s literature movement. In 1939 he was called back to Tokyo by the Ministry of Education to engage in the compilation of a new elementary Japanese language textbook, and at the same time he published voluminous works of Manchurian children’s literature, one after another. After WWII he energetically continued both of his activities-those of Japanese language educator and children’s story writer-although there remained no more tint of Manchuria. While Ishimori``s Manchurian children’s literature is based on the area of Manchuria (northeast China), it is mainly centered on the lives of Japanese residents in Manchuria, written with a warm and humane touch. However, the Chinese people (generally called Manjin), who were the overwhelming majority there, seldom appear in his works, and even if he talks about them, he gazes at them and draws their lives on the surface in the style of sketching, daring not to delve into their social background. It can be said that this is because of the unconquerable colonialism in the Manshu Kyodoron (Manchuria hometown theory), which Ishimori advocated. Recently, three young researchers have taken up and discussed some aspects of Ishimori``s huge literary legacy, and it is clear that a certain “collaboration” has unexpectedly been carried out between this writer and those three young researchers involving this point. This writer sincerely looks forward to the future possibility and further development of such collaboration.

I. 最近の石森延男滿洲兒童文學硏究管見
II. 滿洲兒童文學の背景としての滿鐵附屬地の敎育
III. 『滿洲補充讀本』―その誕生と變容―
IV. 石森延男の滿洲兒童文學と滿洲鄕土論
V. 『協和』に投稿された石森作品をぐって―反軍的か軍國的か―
VI. 石森滿洲兒童文學の「ヒユ―マニズム」と「植民地性」―最近の硏究動向―
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]