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KCI 후보
학교체육진흥법 현황 및 향후 추진과제
A Study on the Future Challenges and Problem of School Physical Education Promotion Act
손석정 ( Seok Jeong Shon ) , 홍계희 ( Kye Hee Hong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-600-001962299
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

The purpose of this study was to examine the problems of Physical Education Promotion Act. It is very important to subordinate statutes enacted. So it was reviewed to understand the following issues through a bill which was related to Enactment of the School Physical Education Promotion Act and including related academic seminar articles. First, process and the meaning of the enact legislation of the School Physical Education Promotion Act. Second, a depth analysis of the provision. Through this study, the following conclusions were drawn: It has huge extent as a subordinate legislation of this law and some part of this provision was likely to encouragement-law. In additionally, It was not sufficient that the way of execute an order according to the national duty. Therefore, complementary measures are needed to make subordinate legislation of this law. And for the future, to reinforcement of the way of execute an order, every administrative organ``s cooperative work would be very important. Not only need to be an expansion of departments, experts, organization for School Physical Education Promotion, but also the Role of those group.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]