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중국(中國) 역대(歷代) 직공도(職貢圖)의 한인도상(韓人圖像)과 그 인식
The Historical Recognition of China To the Korean Race in Chinese Zhigong-tu
정은주 ( Eun Joo Jeong )
한문학논집 42권 77-124(48pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-810-000259726

職貢圖는 고대 중국을 왕래한 외국 사신의 도상을 그리거나 중국과 각국의 대외관계, 역사와 풍속을 附記한 기록화이다. 직공도에는 주변 諸國이 入朝한 정황을 기록으로 남겨당시 중국의 성세를 과시하는 한편, 대외관계에서 각 시대별로 外夷에 대한 이해를 도모하려는 노력을 반영하고 있다. 현존하는 직공도는 세 가지 유형으로 구분된다. 첫째는 배경 없이 각국 조공 사신을 중심으로 묘사하고 해당 사신의 국명이나 職方志를 적는 유형, 둘째는 貢路를 배경으로 무리지어 조공물을 들고 이동하는 모습을 그린 유형, 셋째는 배경을 생략하고 사신이 조공하는 동물을 제어하는 유형으로 구분된다. 그중 韓人圖像이 포함된 것은 첫째와 둘째 유형에 해당한다. 본문에서는 <양직공도>를 비롯한, 중국에 현존하는 역대 職貢圖의 제작 배경을 살펴보고 그중 한민족에 대한 도상 묘사와 그에 대한 직방지를 분석하여 중국의 인식 변화를 파악하였다. 이는 중국이라는 타자의 시선을 통해 본 역대 한민족에 대한 인식을 통시적으로 고찰할 수 있으며, 중국 역대 직공도의 조선 유입 상황과 그에 대한 조선의 인식도함께 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한 역대 한중관계사의 일면을 이해하는 것은 물론, 인물과 풍속을 겸한 대외관계 기록화로서 직공도의 의의를 모색할 수 있었다.

This thesis aims to have a general idea of Chinese recognition to the Korean race in the existing Chinese Zhigong-tu including Zhigong tu of Liang. Zhigong-tu of Liang (梁職貢圖) is copied in Song Dynasty, that is depicted envoys who paid a tribute from 20 countries to Emperor Wu (r. 502 549) of Liang by Xiao Yi(who later became Emperor Yuan) in about 541. Fankeruchao-tu (蕃客入朝圖), which described envoys tribute to Emperor Wu of Liang, copied by Gu Dequian of Nan tang. And Wanghui-tu (王會圖) is painted the tributaries of Emperor Taizong, that is petitioned by the prime minister Yan Shigu of Tang Dynasty. China of Liang and Tang showed off their position as the powerful nations in these Chinese Zhigong-tu. The above works are contained three envoys of the Three Kingdoms of Korea who tribute emperors of Liang and Tang Dynasty. Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla are defined as Eastern barbarians in explanatory diagrams of envoys and the books of Liang and Tang. Goguryeo is described as a plunderer and warlike race and Silla is subject country of Baekje at that time. Goryeo Dynasty is divided into the second country among 28 foreign countries in the book of Song Dynasty. There is no Zhigong-tu painted in Song Dynasty at the national level, however Goryeo person depicted privately figures of encyclopedia such as Sanchai-tuhui (三才圖會), Wanbao-qianshu (萬寶全書). The explanatory diagrams of Goryeo person is described that the custom of Goryeo is genial and benevolent. The positive recognition came on the back of the stable international order between Goryeo and Song Dynasty. Joseon Dynasty is divided into the first country among 54 foreign countries in the book of Ming Dynasty. Joseon envoys on Zhuyizhigong-tu (諸夷職貢圖) by Qui Ying (仇英) of Ming Dynasty are under the flag of Joseon and they put on clothes of Northern minority races. This work is not according to fact, but based on the Zhuyizhigong-tu by Zhao Baiju (趙伯駒) of Song Dynasty, and add the name of country on the flags on which the start of tributary parade holding. The image of Joseon procession in Zhuyi Zhigong-tu by Qui Ying in Ming Dynasty described as uncivilized people. Huangqing Zhigong-tu (皇淸職貢圖) is the picture of tributary countries and subordinated peoples during the Qianlong reign (1736-1795) of the Qing dynasty. These images and explanations written by Manchu and Chinese described the prosperity during the Qing Dynasty, as well as the various customs of tributary countries and all ethnic minorities. Four hand scrolls copied by Xie Sui are good references for the original. Joseon people are the first picture to appear in the Huangqing Zhigong-tu, and they are depicted the people influenced by the Confucian culture. Wanguo Laichao-tu (萬國來朝圖) described vividly many envoys, including Joseon envoy, getting tributes to present for Qianlong Emperor and the Emperor’s honor guards displayed in Qing Imperial Palace. There is a little different from the real diplomatic ceremony of zhaohui (朝會) on the images, but Wanguo Laichao-tu show a reflection of the time of peace and the great power during the Qianlong Emperor’s reign. Meanwhile, the recognition of Joseon literati of Chinese Zhigong-tu focused on Wanghui-tu (王會圖) in Tang Dynasty. That is the main subject of literati’s anthologies and the court painters. When Joseon was invaded by Western powers, literati recognized Wanghui-tu as a symbol of Chinese cultural area in the end of the 19th century.

2. 梁職貢圖類의 三國使臣
3. 明 職貢圖의 高麗人과 朝鮮人
4. 淸 職貢圖의 朝鮮人
5. 中國 職貢圖에 대한 朝鮮의 인식
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]