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KCI 등재
대학의 대형 EFL 강좌에서 의사소통중심 교수법
Communicative Language Teaching in a Large College EFL Class
양소영 ( Soyoung Yang )
영어영문학21 29권 1호 189-213(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-840-000097457

This study investigates Korean college students`` perceptions of implementing communicative language teaching (CLT) in a large EFL class as well as factors influencing their perceptions. One hundred twenty-one freshmen, who had low English proficiency, from two intact classes employing CLT for one semester participated in this mixed-methods study. Data from pre- and post-surveys, in-depth interviews, and field notes were collected and analyzed, using both statistical and thematic techniques. The main finding shows that participants perceived the CLT class positively in terms of improving communicative competence, interest and self-confidence in learning English, and participation in class activities. Additionally, there were four factors affecting student participation in large CLT classes: pair work encouraging student concentration on tasks, self-motivation due to new approaches, an interest in various communicative activities, and an improvement in using English meaningfully. The results support collaborative learning within CLT and provide effective strategies to help college EFL teachers with low-level students in a large class to implement CLT successfully.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]