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KCI 등재
갑골문(甲骨文) 조류(組類)와 용법(用法)에 따른 "등(登)"자(字)의 자형(字形) 차이에 대한 소고(小考)
A Study on Difference of "登(Deng)" Graphic Form According to Oracle Bone Inscription Leizu(類組) and Signification
김혁 ( Hyeok Kim )
중국언어연구 63권 181-203(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-720-000260320

本文對甲骨文“登”字的異體字形進行了形體分類以及類組差異分析。本文根據“登”字的主要偏旁(“豆”、“□”、“□”等),將甲骨文“登”字的形體分成A-I的9個類型,用文字學的角度來說明了甲骨文“登”字的各種異體字形的産生原理,同時考察了“登”字在不同類組和用法上的形體差異。甲骨文“登”字在不同類組和用法上的字形差異的具體情況如下:賓組、歷組蔔辭,用A3、4型來表示“人名”。師賓間類蔔辭,用A1、D3型來表示“祭名”;賓組蔔辭,用A1、A2、B2、C3、D3、E1、F型來表示“祭名”;歷組壹類蔔辭,用A2型來表示“祭名”;歷組二類蔔辭,用C2型來表示“祭名”;歷組草體類蔔辭,用H型來表示“祭名”;花東子蔔辭,用B1、D1、D2型來表示“祭名”;何組壹類蔔辭,用G、I型來表示“祭名”;何組二類蔔辭,用E1型來表示“祭名”;無名類蔔辭,用A3、A5、B2、C3、E1、E2型來表示“祭名”;黃類蔔辭,用B3型來表示“祭名”。 령外,筆者通過本文所進行的形體分析指出,“□”字的“□”旁有可能是“□”字。如果眞是這洋的話,“□”字可能應該是用來表示“登□”的專字。

In this thesis, the graphic variants of oracle bone inscription “登(Deng)” is analyzed graphic form classification and group differences. The according to the main graphic components(“豆”, “□”, “□”) of “登(Deng)”, oracle bone inscription “登 (Deng)” in the graphic form into A-I nine types, with grammatology perspective to illustrate the oracle bone inscription “登(Deng)” all graphic variants of generating principle, also examines the “登(Deng)” in different group and signification graphic form differences. The following details oracle bone inscription “登(Deng)” grapic form differences in different groups and the signification of the: Bin(賓) group, Li(歷) group, use A3, 4 type to wrote “name”. Shibinjianlei(師 賓間類) use A1、D3 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Bin(賓) group use A1、A2、B2、C3、D3、E1、F type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Li(歷) group Yilei(一類) use A2 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Li(歷) group Erlei(二類) use C2 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Li(歷) group Caotilei(草體類) use H type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Huadongzi(花東子) group use B1、D1、D2 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. He(何) group Yilei(一類) use G、I type to wrote “ancestral rites”. He(何) group Erlei(二類) use E1 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Wuminglei(無名類) use A3、 A5、B2、C3、E1、E2 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. Huanglei(黃類) use B3 type to wrote “ancestral rites”. In addition, the author through the graphic form analysis pointed out that□(graphic component of “□”) may be “□”. If this is true, “□” may be used to express the dedicated form of “登□”.

1. 序論
2. ‘登’字의 異體字形 및 각 字形에 대한 분석
3. 結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]