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드라마에서 언어와 이미지의 구조와 작동원리 -텔레비전드라마 「미생」(2014)을 중심으로
A Study on the Structure and Mechanism of Words and Image in Dramas -Focused on Misaeng (2014), a Television Drama
양승국 ( Sun-good Yang )
인문논총 73권 2호 13-37(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-000-000240365

행동의 형식인 드라마는 이 행동을 언어와 이미지로 드러내며 사건을 진행한다. 따라서 드라마 미학의 방법론은 이 언어와 이미지의 구조와 작동원리를 분석하는 데에 핵심이 놓인다고 할 수 있다. 본고는 논자가 지금까지 시도해 온 일련의 논의 과정의 연장선상에서 주로 현상학적 관점과 지각 이론에 기대어 이들의 구조와 드라마에서의 작동원리를 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 특히 텔레비전드라마 「미생」(2014)을 중심으로 언어와 이미지의 관련성, 카메라의 시점이 언어와 이미지를 구성하는 방법을 탐구하였다. 텔레비전드라마는 인물의 발화를 통한 청각과 인물의 행동과 사물을 보여주는 시각의 지각작용이 밀접하게 조화되어 관객의 감정 이입을 자연스럽게 이끌어낸다. 이를 통해 관객은 텔레비전드라마가 보여 주는 드라마의 세계를 자신의 ‘주위세계’로 인식하게 되고, ‘나’가 아닌 ‘우리’로서의 ‘세계-내-존재’의 존재성을 자각하게 된다. 오늘날 텔레비전드라마가 드라마 형식의 중심을 차지하게 된 것은 바로 이러한 텔레비전드라마의 미학적 구조에 기인한다.

Owing to the development of visual media, movies and television dramas are central to the drama form recently. Especially, Korean television dramas have made a remarkable qualitative progress since the 1990s, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are the aesthetic model of other television dramas around the world today. While enjoying television dramas in our daily lives, however, we have no epistemological self-consciousness of why we are immersed in watching television dramas this much. In addition, new television dramas are constantly being produced with a similar format, but we have not even found a methodology good enough to discover common aesthetics among them and to extract distinctive features. As a form of behaviors, dramas develop events by exposing behaviors with words and images. Therefore, the methodology of drama aesthetics can be regarded to focus on analyzing the structure and mechanism of such words and images. Thus, as a part of the process of discussion I have attempted so far, this study aims to examine the structure and mechanism of words and images in dramas, based on phenomenological views and perception theories. Particularly, this study attempted to explore the relation between words and images and how to compose words and images by the camera point of view, especially focusing the form of television dramas. Besides, this study investigated how the structure and mechanism of words and images get related to the way of television dramas showing themes. Television dramas can naturally draw out viewers’ empathy through a close harmony between the auditory perception from television drama characters’ utterances and the visual perception showing their behaviors and objects. Through this process, Viewers perceive the world provided by television dramas as their own ‘environment (Umwelt)’ and recognize their existence of ‘Being-in-the-world (In-der-Welt-Sein)’ as ‘us’ not ‘me’. Today, television dramas have become central to the drama form, and it is attributed to such an aesthetic structure of television dramas. This study has a feature as a preliminary review to explore the general aesthetic mechanism of television dramas. Thus, this study attempted to seek a methodology of analyzing universal dramas, particularly focusing on Misaeng out of all the Korean dramas.

1. 문제제기
2. 언어와 이미지의 상관성
3. ‘언어-시점-이미지’와 관객의 지각
4. 언어의 기능, 함께 길을 나아가기
5. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]