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특수학급 수업실행 구성요인에 따른 조사도구 개발
The Research Instrument Device on Structure Factor in Teaching Performance at Special Class
조인수 ( Cho In Soo ) , 이윤미 ( Lee Yun Mi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-370-000383995

특수학급의 올바른 수업 실행 구성요인은 교육과정(구성체제와 운영), 수업(설계와 실행), 진단ㆍ평가 및 중재수업 3개 영역으로 상호 연계되어야 올바른 수업이 이루어진다. 이에 따른 관련문헌을 분석하여 설문 조사도구를 개발하였다. 첫째, 교육과정은 구성체제(교육과정 구성지식, 교육과정 효과) 교육과정운영(교육과정조정, 적용, 연계) 5개 구성요인 22개 문항, 둘째, 수업은 수업설계(수업설계 모듈, 방법) 수업실행(수업실행 과정, 방법, 결과) 5개 구성요인 22개 문항, 셋째, 진단평가 및 중재수업은 진단평가(적용, 지원, 결과활용) 중재수업(모듈, 중재수업) 5개 구성요인 21개 문항 총 65개 문항으로 구성된다. 설문문항의 신뢰도(Cronbach`s 값)는 .61에서 .91로 비교적 높다. 본 연구에서 개발 제시된 수업실행 구성영역과 문항들은 특수학급 수업실행의 효율성을 지원하기 위한 방안을 탐색하는데 귀중한 자료가 될 수 있을 것이다.

There are three main factors in instructional performance of the special education such as curriculum, instruction itself, diagnosisㆍevaluation, and intervention instruction. The purpose of this study was the Research Instrument Device structure factor in teaching performance at special class. Three questionaries, curriculum with 22 from 24 questions, instruction with 22 from 24 questions, and diagnosisㆍevaluation and intervention instruction with 21 from 24 questions were developed by researcher. 90 special class teachers over the South Korea were participated for this study. The reliabilities of the three questionaries were ensured. The VIF(variation inflation factor), Cronbach alpha, Durbin-Watson, t-test, Chi-square, corelation, and regression analysis were utilized for this study. The results were follows. This study concluded that the special class teachers indicated the corelation among the curriculum, instruction itself, diagnosisㆍevaluation, and intervention instruction in the level of the theoretical knowledge. However the level of the special class teachers` theoretical knowledge and performance knowledge were not same. The individualized education plan, current academic situation, and life function based design were core factors in the instructional performance structure in special class. Therefore, the students with disabilities centered teaching and learning were utilized in the model of the instructional performance structure in special class.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]