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간질성 발작을 수반한 뇌성마비아의 전구증상 특성 연구
A Study on the Prodrome of Seizures for Children with Cerebrel Palsy
전헌선 ( Jun Hun Sun ) , 권혁순 ( Kwon Hyuk Soon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-370-000559042

본 연구는 간질성 발작을 수반한 뇌성마비아의 전구증상 특성을 알아보고 이를 자료화함으로써 현장 교사들과 학부모에게 필요한 지도자료를 제공하는데 의의가 있다. 연구결과와 종합적 논의를 통해 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 간질성 발작을 수반한 뇌성마비아 전구증상의 주요 행동양상은 눈동자가 흐려짐, 조용함, 의식의 혼미 등이다. 둘째, 간질성 발작을 수반한 뇌성마비아 전구증상의 주요 자극성향은 피로, 수면부족, 불규칙한 식사, 체함과 갈은 신체적 자극이다.. 셋째, 간질성 발작을 수반한 뇌성마비아의 전구증상의 주요 기상조건은 평균기온이 낮은 날, 강수량이 많은 날, 습도가 높고 전운량이 많은 날이다.

The purpose of this study was to find the prodrome of epileptic convulsions for children with cerebrel palsy and to analyze the character of prodrome and to draw the data. The concrete purpose of this study were as follows ; First, the purpose of this research was to analyze the behavior pattern of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures. Second, the purpose of this research was to analyze the stimulus disposition of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures. Third, the purpose of this research was to analyze the atmospheric conditions of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures. The subjects of this research were 20 children and youth with cerebrel palsy being in 4 school located in Daegu, Busan, and Suwon city. The questionnaire used in this research was composed of 9 items about prodrome, 23 items about causing element(7 items about sensory stimulus, 10 items about physical stimulus, 6 items about psychological stimulus), 6 items about atmospheric conditions. The conclusions drawn from results and dissussion of this research were as follows ; First, among the behavior patterns of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures, the item, "the pupil of the eye become bleary" was the highest in response frequncy, and the item, "become quiet", the item, "become dull" were high in response frequncy in next order respectively. Second, among the stimulus disposition of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures, physical stimulus was the highest in response frequncy, and sensory stimulus, psychological stimulus were high in response frequncy in next order respectively. Finally, among the the atmospheric conditions of prodrome for children with cerebrel palsy accompanying seizures, the days that temperature is low, humidity is high, it`s rainy and cloudy are highest in the rate of seizures. The suggestions drawn from this research were as follows ; First, advenced study should be accomplished in order to find easily behavior patterm of prodrome related to epileptic convulsions, and concrete methods to treat individual situations should be developed. Second, methods to prevent the behavior patterm, stimulus disposition, atmospheric conditions of prodrome related to seizures should be developed. Third, in order to cope with seizures, closed cooperative methods among physician, teacher, and caregiver should be developed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]