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배양법을 이용한 새우젓갈 숙성과정 중 박테리아상 분석
Cultivable Bacterial Community Analysis of Saeu-jeotgal, a Korean High-Salt-fermented Seafood, during Ripening
정도원 ( Do Won Jeong ) , 정광식 ( Gwangsick Jung ) , 이종훈 ( Jong Hoon Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-470-000542053

6종류의 배지를 이용한 135일 동안 8번의 박테리아상 분석을 통하여 새우젓갈 숙성 관련 우점종을 결정하였다. Marine agar를 배양에 사용하였을 경우, 가장 많은 수의 박테리아가 검출되었고, 숙성 65일차에 그 수가 2.51 × 107 CFU/g에 달하였다. 순수분리된 총 467균주는 42속 87종으로 동정되었고, 16균주는 기존의 알려진 박테리아와 상동성을 나타내지 않았다. 1일차 분석에서 39종이 검출되었던 박테리아는 135일차에 13종으로 감소하여 우점화가 진행됨을 학인하였다. 속 수준에서의 우점은 Staphylococcus, Salimicrobium, Kocuria, Psychrobacter 순으로 나타났고, 1일차 분리균주의 2% 수준을 차지하던 Staphylococcus, Salimicrobium 속 균주는 135일차에 각각 39%와 36%에 달하였다. 우점종으로 확인된 Staphylococcus equorum, Salimicrobium salexigens, Kocuria palustris는 각각 전체 분리균주의 23.6%, 16.1%, 10.9%을 차지하였다. St. equorum와 Sm. salexigens는 21% (w/v) NaCl 농도에서의 생육이 확인되어 새우젓갈 숙성에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 추정된다.

To determine the dominant bacterial species during the Saeu-jeotgal ripening process, the cultivable bacterial population was examined over a 135-day period using six different growth media. The greatest numbers of bacteria were identified when marine agar was used for culture, with maximum cell density identified at day 65 (2.51 × 107 colony forming units/g). Over the course of 135 days, the bacterial diversity was analyzed eight times. A total of 467 isolates, comprising 87 species from 42 genera, as well as 16 isolates belonging to previously unknown species, were identified. The number of species detected decreased from 39 at day 1 to 13 at day 135. The order of dominance at the genus level was as follows: Staphylococcus, Salimicrobium, Kocuria, and Psychrobacter. Staphylococcus and Salimicrobium accounted for 2% of the diversity at day 1, and then increased to 39% and 36%, respectively, at day 135. The dominant species Staphylococcus equorum, Salimicrobium salexigens, and Kocuria palustris accounted for 23.6%, 16.1%, and 10.9% of all isolates, respectively. Importantly, both St. equorum and Sm. salexigens remained viable at a NaCl concentration of 21% (w/v), which indicates their strong involvement in the ripening of Saeu jeotgal.

Materials and Methods
NaCl, respectively.
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]