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KCI 등재
소설 속의 ``やる類``동사의 번역양상-하목수석(夏目漱石)의『こころ』를 중심으로-
양정순 ( Yang Jung-soon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-830-000520822

本稿は小說で使われた``やる類``動詞が韓國語と英語でどのように飜譯されたかについて述べた。飜譯物としては夏目漱石の『こころ』にした。 表現主體と相手による``やる類``動詞の飜譯樣相は次のようである。目上の``受手``に``やる``を使ったとしても韓國語譯では目上に使うべき言葉と文體で表された。目下の``受手``に使っていた``あげる·さしあげる``の韓國語譯では普通の表現が中心となって飜譯された。文の構造による飜譯樣相は次のようである。本動詞の場合, 韓國語譯では移動させる對象によって``やる類``動詞だけではなく具體化された動詞が選定·飜譯された。英語譯では, ``receive`` ``send`` ``marry`` ``write`` ``be+所有代名詞``などの具體的な行爲を表す語彙が用いられた。 補助動詞の場合, ``利益·恩惠`` ``不利益`` ``意志`` ``方向``などの意味によって動詞の選定が異なっている樣子が見られた。意志表現の場合, 基本型だけで表われる日本語に比べて, 韓國語譯は``-get``などの語彙が用いられて飜譯された。 英語譯では ``will`` ``must``などの語彙を追加して內容をより明らかにした。授受動詞+授受動詞で構成された日本語の表現の飜譯は一つの授受動詞に焦点をおいて, もう一つの授受動詞はサ一ブとして飜譯される傾向があった。``話者`` ``聞手`` ``與手`` ``受手``が省略された日本語の表現とは異なって, 省略された日本語の文章の``與手``と``受手``を英語譯では``與手``と``受手``を入れて飜譯される傾向があった。

The study analyzed how ``Yaru type`` verbs in the Japanese modern novel『Kokoro』were translated to Korean and English. It focused on ``the use by subjects of expressions and their opponents`` and ``the structure of sentences``. ``The use by subjects of expressions and their opponents`` could be summarized as follows. ``Yaru`` was used to ``receivers`` who were older than speakers in Japanese but honorific forms were used in Korean. ``Ageru·Sashiageru`` were used to ``receivers`` who were younger than speakers in Japanese but normal expressions were used in Korean. Translations in Korean and English by ``the structure of sentences`` could be summarized as follows. In case of main verbs, vocabulary other than ``Juda`` was selected by subjects of movement in Korean. Vocabulary that expressed detailed actions such as ``receive`` ``send`` ``marry`` ``write`` ``be+possessive pronoun`` was used in English. In case of auxiliary verbs, different verbs were used by their meanings such as ``profit·gratefulness`` ``disadvantage`` ``will`` ``direction``. In case of expressions of will, basic forms were used in Japanese. However, vocabulary such as ``-get`` was used to express detailed meanings in Korean and vocabulary such as ``will`` ``must`` was added to clarify meanings in English. Japanese expressions made of benefactive verb+benefactive verb focused on one benefactive verb and the other one only assisted the main verb when they were translated to deliver meanings. Because of the characteristic of benefactive verbs, personal relationships could be known even if ``speakers`` ``listeners`` ``givers`` ``receivers`` were omitted. However, ``givers`` ``receivers`` who were omitted in Japanese sentences were clearly suggested as ``speakers`` ``listeners`` ``givers`` ``receivers`` in English.

1. 머리말
2. 선행연구 및 연구방법
3. 표현주체와 상대에 따른やる類법
4. 문의 구조에 따른 やる類
5. 마무리
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]