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체계중심병원건축계획을 위한 공간깊이의 적정범위에 관한 연구
A Study on the Optimum Range of Space Depth for Hospital Architecture Planning Focused on System
김은석 ( Kim Eun Seok ) , 양내원 ( Yang Nae Won )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-000244628

Purpose: Growth and change are the most important things in planning of hospital architecture. It is especially necessary for countless changes taken place since the hospital opens to be adapted to the planning of hospital architecture phase. The space depth in the hospital serves a very crucial role in accepting these changes. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data necessary to space depth planning to prepare for change through analyzing space depth`s change in hospital architecture chronologically. Methods:: The method of this study is analyzing space depth`s change in cases of 19 hospitals in total, from the 1980`s, which is the quantitative growth period, until recently. Especially this study is analyzing Max & Min space depth focusing change of medical environment. Based on this, this study suggests an form of space depth and optimum range of space depth response to growth and change of hospital architecture. Results: The conclusions of this study are as follows. Considering these conclusion, double linear system is most appropriate for space depth for hospital architecture planning focused on system. Optimal range of space depth is at least 21.6m or more in case of clinic room and from 27 meter to 37meter in case of examination & treatment room. Implications: Space of Depth is a key element determining system for hospital architecture planning focused on system. The results of this paper can be data for planning system of hospital architecture which copes with the change.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]