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KCI 등재
왕보하 , 초패
중국언어연구 69권 43-57(15pages)
DOI 10.38068/KJCL.69.3
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-000357359

從認知語言學的角度來看,網絡四字格新詞的形成机制中充滿了中國式的認知方式。本文以認知語言學爲理論基礎,分析了中國網絡四字格新詞形成中的認知机制,在充分解釋的基礎上探尋了背后的當代中國的社會心理背景。 首先,隱喩指向經驗生活到槪念的認知途徑,網絡四字格新詞的形成過程體現出當代中國人對經驗社會的固有成見。網絡四字成語的産生,或反映了現代中國人對公共机構的公信力普遍缺乏信任;或反映了現代中國人挑戰傳統思維方式追求個性解放的認知變化。網絡四字格新詞旣有傳統漢語認知心理的繼承,又體現了現代中國人因社會轉型而引發的調侃、嘲弄地對待客觀世界的心態。 其次,類比指向從一個舊槪念到一個新槪念的認知途徑,體現在網絡四字格新詞之間的形式相似之上。某些網絡四字格新詞體現出的縮寫特征,不僅符合古人創造四字成語時追求生動簡潔的心理特征,而且反映出網絡時代交流求快的心理特点,滿足了網絡時代求新求異的需求。

According to cognitive linguistics, the cognitive mechanism of the new four-character idioms is full of Chinese metaphor, metonymy and analogy. On the basis of cognitive linguistics theories, the paper analyses cognitive mechanism in the formation of the Chinese internet new four-character idioms from three aspects of metaphor, metonymy and analogy, to probe social psychology background in contemporary China on the basis of full explanation. First, metaphor directs cognitive approach from empirical lives to the concept. The formation of the Chinese internet new four-character idioms embodies inherent prejudice of modern Chinese people to empirical social. The emergence of internet four-character idioms reflects that modern Chinese people are lack of public trust in government, and the change of cognitive approach which is the challenge to traditional thinking and the pursuit for individual emancipation. The metonymy of the internet four-character idioms not only inherits cognitive psychology on traditional Chinese, but also reflects the state of mind of modern Chinese people which is full of ridicule to the objective world due to the social transformation. Second, analogy directs cognitive approach of the concept from an old one to a new one, which embodies on the similar patterns of the new internet four-character idioms. The feature of abbreviation that certain new internet four-character idioms embody, accord with mental characteristics that the pursuit for simplicity and vividness when the ancient people created four-character idioms. In addition, it reflects psychological characteristics that the pursuit for fast paced lives and meets the needs for new and distinctiveness in the network age.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]