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여성코트 봉제공정의 생산성 비교 - 라인작업팀과 객공팀을 중심으로 -
The Productivity Comparison of Women`s Coats Sewing Process - Focused on Line-worker Team & Time-worker Team -
오순 ( Soon Oh ) , 김진선 ( Jin-sun Kim )
한국디자인포럼 53권 117-126(10pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-600-000284996

연구배경 일반적으로 봉제생산라인에서는 1스타일에 1팀에 작업을 분배하나, 본 연구의 대상 아이템은 1스타일에 2개팀(라인작업팀과 객공팀)에 작업을 분배하였다. 그래서 본 연구는 두 팀의 봉제공정의 작업시간을 측정·비교하고, 그 결과는 표준시간 설정, 생산능력 파악, 작업 목표량 할당, 일정계획의 기초자료로 활용한다. 연구방법 연구 방법은 다음과 같다; 1. 봉제방법 및 순서를 분석하고 공정표를 작성한다. 2. 작업시간은 순서에 따라 각 팀의 공정별 작업시간을 스톱워치로 측정한다. 3. 측정된 작업시간으로 순작업시간, 표준시간 산출, 생산능력 비교, 작업일정을 결정한다. 4. 분배된 작업량에 따라 작업일정표를 작성한다. 연구결과 시간측정 결과, 라인작업팀은 53공정, 객공팀은 48공정이었으며, 작업시간과 순작업시간에서 객공팀이 라인 작업팀에 비해 이상 값이 적었으며, 작업의 집중도가 높고, 작업속도가 일관되게 나타났다. 그리고 생산능력은 각 팀 모두 준비 및 정리공정에서 여력이 있었으나, 부분 및 조립공정에서 각각 -15.9%, -19.9%의 과부하가 발생되어 추가 작업이 요구되었다. 결론 여성코트의 봉제생산 공정을 분석하고, 두 팀의 공정별 작업시간을 비교한 결과, 숙련된 객공팀은 공정수를 줄였으며, 일정한 작업흐름으로 소요시간을 단축하였다. 그리고 업체는 납기를 맞추기 위해서 라인작업팀에 242매, 객공팀에 312매를 분배하였으며, 두 팀에게 발생된 과부하를 추가 작업을 실시하여 납기를 맞추었다. 따라서 업체는 짧은 납기일을 극복하기 위해서 사전에 작업자 및 팀에 대한 생산능력을 파악하여 부분공정은 외주업체에서 제작하고, 효율적인 공정편성이 요구된다.

Background In general, sewing production line distribute the workload in one team in one style. But this study was to divide the workload in two teams(line work-team and time work-team) in women`s coats. So this study measured and compared the working time of the sewing process of the two teams, and the result will be utilized as the basis for the standard time setting, capacity grasp, workload assignment, scheduling. Methods The method of study was conducted as follows. 1. After analyzed the sewing method and order, and creates a process sequence table. 2. Working time was measured with a stopwatch the time of each team in accordance with the process order. 3. Standard time and working time was obtained from measured time, and compared the capacity between two teams(line-working and time-worker), and determines a work schedule. Result Work processes of two team consisted that line-worker is 53 processes and time-worker is 48 processes. The calculated results of working and net-working time shown less than the outlier value of time-worker team compared to line-working team, and more focused on the job, the working speed was consistent. In the production capacity, but both teams have the surplus in the preparation & arrangement process, pieces & assemble process is generated overload of -15.9%(line team), -19, 9%(time worker team), so the two piece & assembly teams were required additional work. Conclusion Analysis of the production process of women`s Coats, and measuring the operating time of two team. Time-worker team were to reduce the number of process because of higher skill-level, to maintain a constant flow operation time it was shortened. According to the results, the company distributed to meet the delivery to line-working team assigned brown 242 sheets, and to time-worker team assigned navy color 312 sheets. Piece & assembly processes of both team generated overload. So both of two team performed additional work, and they delivered women`s coats 554 pieces in time. Therefore, this company is considered to identify the production capacity of the worker and team in advance to overcome the short delivery date, and some processes are produced in the subcontractors. And it is required for efficient combination process.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]