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KCI 등재
한국의 중국고전여성문학 연구
중국문학 43권 157-178(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-000084946

The purpose of this paper is a study on the research of Chinese traditional women`s literature in Korea. This sketches the outline of the research and to help for searching the way to study Chinese traditional women`s literature in Korea. The Result is as following. In the aspect of dynasty, studies on the Tang`s women`s literature is abundant. In the genre, most of them is on the poetry; poetry(74), novel(34), drama(5) etc. On the author and work, the first is on the Song`s Li Qingzhao, next is on the Shi Jing, Lienuzhuan, Xie Tao etc. In the research method, much of them is to sketch the outline or look into the women`s image and women`s character. Until now, the research of Chinese traditional women`s literature in Korea is like as reclaim wasteland. When we look around the texts on the history of Chinese literature or history of Chinese poetry published in Korea, we can see there is almost nothing introduce women`s literature except Li QingZhao and Cai Yan. This is a complete contrast to U.S.A`s situation. To develope the research of Chinese traditional women`s literature in Korea, we have to think about these several aspects. First, translation on works. Translation of original text is a basement of study on the foreign literature. Second, translation on the secondary book for example, on the history of Chinese women`s literature. Third, in future, we have to publish essay and books on our own viewpoints.

1. 머리말
2. 여성문학 일반
3. 선진, 한대, 위진남북조의 여성문학
4. 당대의 여성문학
5. 송원대의 여성문학
6. 명청대의 여성문학
7. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]