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KCI 등재
박용래(朴龍來)의 시(詩)에 나타난 원형(原型) 심상(心象) 고찰
A Review on the Archetypal Image of Park, Yong-rae's Poems
김종호 ( Kim Jong-ho )
어문연구 34권 2호 233-260(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003720543

문학 작품 속에 ‘集團無意識’의 형태로 잠재해 있는 ‘原型’은 時空을 초월한 관습적 패턴으로, 인류의 가장 근본적인 경험이며 보편적 상징이다. 朴龍來 詩人의 原型的 想像力은 그의 작품에서 우주의 순환 원리를 통해 再生을 희구하며, 原型的 世界를 지향한다. 우주의 궁극적 根源인 自然에 대한 鄕愁로 自我와 世界의 갈등을 극복하고 과거의 순수 공간, 곧 原初的인 세계에 대한 그리움과 함께 근원에의 回歸 意志를 표출한다. 朴龍來가 추구한 자연은 鄕土的 自然으로서 전통적 정서에 뿌리를 둔 抒情 世界를 보여주며, 原初的 세계로 復歸하고자 하는 것임을 확인할 수 있다. 그리고 박용래 시의 전편을 흐르며 詩의 形象化에 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 것이 女性的 요소들인데, 女性性으로 표상되는 아니마 原型의 표출 역시 원초적인 母性 原型과 일맥 상통하고 있다고 해석된다.

The purpose of this study was to delve into the archetypal image of poetic texts, especially Park, Yong-rae's poems, in an attempt to identify the archetype of Korean modern poetry from a standpoint of archetypal criticism. An archetype, which implicity exists in literary works in the form of the collective unconscious, is a customary pattern that isn't restricted by time and space. That is the most primary experience and universal symbol of mankind. The archetypal imagination of Poet Park, Yong-rae made him yearn in his works for regeneration that could be attained through the circulating principles of the universe, and he was in search of an archetypal world at the same time. He described nostalgia for nature, the ultimate source of the universe, in order to get rid of conflicts between nature and the world, to unveil his longing for the primitive world, a genuine space of the past, and to represent his will to go back to the origin. He pursued local nature, and his lyric world was grounded in traditional sentiment. And he tried to seek after a return to maternity, which was the primitive world. There were feminine elements in every poem of Park, Yong-rae, which were closely tied into the visualization of his poems. It could be interpreted that anima prototype that was represented as femininity in his works was associated with the prototype of primitive maternity.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]