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KCI 등재
수락에 대한 한일대조연구 -청유행동에 대한 설문조사를 바탕으로-
A Contrastive Study of Japanese and Korean on Acceptance
정영미 ( Choung Young Mi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-800-003749934

本硏究は韓國語と日本語において、社會的距離と誘い內容に含まれている利益の有無による受諾ストラテジ一の特徵を明らかにすることを目的とする。韓國語では男性89名、女性115名(合計204名)、日本語では男性77名、女性50名(合計127名)を對象にアンケ一ト調査を行った。分析の結果、韓日の男女皆利益の有無に關係なく、親しい關係では受諾の頻度が高く、親しくない關係では受諾の頻度が非常に低かった。 韓國人男性は利益がある場合、社會的距離に關係なく、誘い遂行表現と同意のストラテジ一を好んだが、利益のない場合は同意より恩惠の言及のストラテジ一を好んだ。韓國人女性も誘い遂行表現と同意のストラテジ一を好んだ。 日本人男性も大體韓國人男性と同樣の傾向を見せたが、親しくない關係で感謝のストラテジ一を多用する違いがあった。日本人女性の場合は、親しい關係と親しくなりたい關係では、肯定的感情·評價·希望のストラテジ一を好むという特徵が目立った。

The goal of this study is to find out the characteristics of acceptance strategy preferred in accordance with the social distance between the parties involved and existence/nonexistence of benefit involved in the contents of the invitation in Korean and Japanese language. The number of valid Korean language respondents were a total of 204 and the number of valid Japanese language respondents were a total of 127. The survey result, in the case of Korean men when there was benefit involved, regardless of the social distance, they preferred ① performative expression of invitation and ⑥agreement, and when there was no benefit involved in the invitation of a close friend, they preferred ⑤mentioning of favor·returning favor over ⑥ agreement. In the case of Korean women when the invitation was received from a close friend and from a party with whom they were not close, ①performative expression of invitation was their first preference, however in other situations, ⑥ agreement was the preferred choice. In the case of Japanese men when there was benefit involved, regardless of the social distance, they preferred ①performative expression of invitation, and when there was no benefit involved ⑥agreement was the most preferred choice. The difference between Japanese and Korean men in a not so close relationship is that Japanese men used word of appreciation much more. For Japanese women in a ‘close relationship’ and ‘relationship in which they wish to get close’ where there was benefit involved, ③clear expression of appreciation and positive face of the other party, was thought of as consideration. In a situation where there is no benefit involved, in a ‘close relationship’ and ‘relationship in which they wish to get close’, ④used reason·explaining of the situation, was the preferred choice.

1. 들어가며
2. 선행연구
3. 연구방법
4. 분석결과 및 고찰
5. 나가며
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]