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KCI 등재
경북·충북 도계지역(道界地域) 민요의 특성과 공동체 문화
A study on the quality and community of farming songs in boundary regions of Kyungpook & Chungpook province
권오경 ( Kwon Oh-kyung )
구비문학연구 20권 71-114(44pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003724223
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

이 글에서는 경북과 충북의 도 경계지역 농요를 대상으로 민요의 전승 및 계승, 교섭양상을 공동체 문화와 결부하여 살피고, 나아가 민요 계승의 사례에 따라 지역을 선정하고 민요와 공동체의 상관성을 고찰하였다. 원칙적으로 민요는 ‘골(고을)’문화 중심으로 발생, 전승하면서 더 큰 단위의 공동체 문화에까지 파급되는데, 지역과 지역의 경계선에 있는 민요는 상호작용에 의하여 다양한 민요를 만들어낸다. 경북-충북 도계지역의 농요(모찌는소리, 모심는소리, 논매는소리 등) 역시 공동체 문화에 따라 각기 다른 전승 실태를 보였으며, 이 글에서는 6개 지역권으로 구분하였다. 일과 공동체 구성의 상관성은 ‘모판’에 대한 구성원의 의식에서부터 찾을 수 있는데, 노랫말 속에 담긴 구성원의 세계는 ①현실세계, ②가상세계, ③정감적 세계, ④이성적 세계 등이 복합적으로 존재한다. 마을 단위의 공동체를 대상으로 민요의 현대적 계승과 공동체 문화와의 상관성을 알아보기 위하여 (1)지역민의 화합과 마을의 활성화에 기여하는 공동체, (2)현대화되는 마을 환경에서 구성원이 위기를 극복하고 새로운 변화를 모색해야 하는 공동체, (3)특별한 조직 없이 농요가 보존, 전승되는 공동체, (4)전통문화가 해체된 가운데 새롭게 전통문화를 결성하기 위하여 노력하는 공동체, (5)과거 이질적 문화를 지닌 두 공동체가 행정적으로 통합되면서 농요의 모습이 변해가는 공동체 등에 주목하였다. 충주 마수리농요, 영동 설계리 농요, 괴산 문법리 농요, 옥천 평산리 농악, 상주, 함창 민요권을 그 예로 들었다. 끝으로, 민요 보존과 계승 방법을 들었는데, 특히 官 주도 및 인간문화재 중심의 민요 계승은 공동체 문화의 자생력을 훼손할 가능성이 많기에 이는 개선되어야 한다.

The interaction of traditional folk songs from one area to another area is very important to understand the principal of acceptance and production of new culture and community. The aim of this paper is to study the quality and community of traditional folk songs based on the boundary regions of Kyungpook and Chungpook Province. To research these, I studied the aspect of transmission and succession of farming songs in this area. The results are as follows; 1> < pick rice seeding song > is distributed in west area more than east of boundary area. And Kyungpook Province, especially in Geum-gang river, has many text words compare with Kyungpook province which has several formulaic words. It means that Kyungpook province has more closed community than other province. < rice planting song > also has sharp distinction between east and west area. The former has front and back singing style, the other has give and take singing style. And < field weeding song > in west-south area passed through a varied interact while east-north area has unite and native refrain. It means the latter area's people has stronger solidarity. Finally I found 6 primary area and community. ① The square area of Guisan-Jechun-Yungdong-Sangju is a core of connection of farming songs. This area is a boundary resign of mountain and field(farm) culture. ② The square area of Cheungju-Chungju--Jechun-Guisan is called Miho river area, and fufill its functon of limits line for Kyungpook farming songs spread. ③The triangle area of Cheungju-Jungwon-Guisan is nearer a Kyunggi area. ④ The triangle area of Yungdong-Sangju-Kimchun is also a core of connection area. There are a unique culture of Sangju province. ⑤ The square area of Yungdong-Sangju -Yechun-Andong-Kimchun is diffusion limits line of Chungpook farming songs. ⑥ The triangle area of Jechun-Yechun-Andong has mountain culture and interacted with Kangwondo farming song's culture. 2> Yungdong and Boeun area of Chungpook province has similar folk songs culture with west-north area of Kyungpook province. And mixed culture area are Yokchun, Cheungju. Jechun, Danyang farming songs has been influenced by the < Kangwoondo Arirang >, and shared with east-north area of Kyungpook province. Sangju area has unique farming songs culture and interact with Chungpook farming songs and culture. This case also happened in the Yechun, Andong, Bonghwa, Yungju. The relation of work and organization in community is based on from rice seedbed to nation. Rice seedbed is abbreviated form of country community. In this field, consciousness of farmers has 4 worlds with complex; the world of reality, of imagination, of emotion, of rationality. 3> To research the relation of succession of farming songs and community culture through the rural community, I selected 5 villages case by case. These sample area present us the principal and methods of transmission and succession of folk songs. The sample area are as follows; ①The developing farming community by succeed traditional songs.-Chungju Masuri ②The community which is needed to grope for new alterations.-Yongdoong Seulgyeri ③The community of no organizations for succession except of the individual.-Goisan Munbeupri ④The community which has new organizations composed by new generations.-Okchun Pyunsanri ⑤The case of different two community has been combined into one unite community.-Sangju & Hamchang 4> Finally, I suggested the methods of successions for a traditional folk songs in modern community as a living creatures.

1. 서론
2. 민요와 공동체 문화
3. 경계지역 민요 전승양상과 특성
4. 경계지역 민요 계승과 공동체 문화
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]