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KCI 등재
노자사상, <그림 천지지도>에 의한 새로운 해석
Laozi's Thought, A New Interpretation by < figure, Tao of Nature >
김영주 ( Kim Young-ju )
사회사상과 문화 20권 185-222(38pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003972194

필자는 노자사상을 이해함에 무엇보다도 도道·현玄·일一·무無의 개념이 같은지 다른지, 혹시 같다면 무슨 이유로 다른 낱말을 사용하고 있는지, 혹시 다르다면 무엇이 어떻게 얼마나 다른지를 분명하게 정리하여야 한다고 생각한다. 이에 노자사상에서 ‘가치개입의 문제’를 선명하게 내세워서, 천지지도·성인지도·치세지도라는 세 가지 관점으로 접근하여 해석하고 풀이한다. 이 논의를 선명하고 간편하게 하기 위하여 <그림 천지지도>와 <그림 성인지도와 치세지도>를 고안하였다. 이 논문에서는 <그림 천지지도>에 기대어 ‘현玄·일一·무無·유有’를 비롯한 다양한 용어들이 서로 어떻게 다르며 서로 어떤 관계인가를 구체적이고 자세하게 살펴보려고 한다.

I think that it is a most important issue to search the distinct meaning of ‘Tao(道)·Hyun(玄) and Mu(無)·Yu(有)’. At first, we must take an interest in the distinct meanings of Tao(道)·Hyun(玄) and Mu(無). If the meanings are equal, why do they use different words? or if the meanings are different, what are the each different meaning of the words? I will insist that they are different. The existing studied articles had not discussed ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ distinctly in Laozi’s thought as yet, so Laozi’s thought had been unclear and ambiguous. At my proceeding article, to overcome this problem, I disclosed a latent disease at ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ in Laozi’s thought, and laid the groundwork for approaching new interpretation of Laozi’s thought with the three new viewpoints naming ‘Tao of Nature(天地之道)·Tao of Saint(聖人之道)·Tao of Government(治世之道)’. And I devised an idea which drew ‘two figures’ showing Tao of Nature(天地之道) and Tao of Saint (聖人之道) & Tao of Government(治世之道); < figure, Tao of Nature > and < figure, Tao of Saint & the Tao of Government >. I will study distinctly the various concepts in Laozi’s thought(Heyn玄·Il一·Mu無·Yu有……etc) relying upon < figure, Tao of Nature > and < figure, Tao of Saint & Tao of Government >. But proceeding to these studies, We need the criterion to make clear distinction the complicated concepts in Laozi’s thought. It is selected Meo(妙 Sourcing) and Keo(徼 Accomplishing) & Saeng(生 Life) and Sa(死 Death). I studied concretely and minutely ‘four basic concepts’ at just proceeding article. At this article, I unfold a new interpretation for Laozi’s thought by < figure, Tao of Nature >, show concretely and minutely the concepts of Hyun(玄) GokSin(谷神) HyunBin(玄牝)·Il(一) Mi(微) Sang(象)·Mu(無) Yu(有) Si(始) Zong(終). At following next article, I unfold a new interpretation for Laozi’s thought by < figure, Tao of Saint & Tao of Government >, will show concretely and minutely the concepts of Tao of Saint & Tao of Government.

Ⅰ. 〈그림 천지지도〉, 상호관계론의 대대유행
Ⅱ. 현玄 그리고 곡신谷神과 현빈玄牝
Ⅲ. 일一 그리고 미微와 상象
Ⅳ. 무無와 유有 그리고 시始와 종終
Ⅴ. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]