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KCI 등재
일한기계번역의 오류유형에 관한 고찰 - 일본소설을 중심으로-
A Study on the Types of Error in Japanese and Korean Machine Translation- Focused on Japanese novel
윤호숙 ( Youn Ho-sook )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-800-001642210

近年、人工知能(AI)の発達により、機械翻訳が社会的な話題になるのに合グル翻訳と、韓国ネイバーパパゴ(PAPAGO)翻訳もまだ誤謬が多く、特に文学作品の場合、内容が通じないくらいである。ただ今後、機械翻訳のクオリティーが飛躍的に向上すると、翻訳の質も高くなると思うが、マイク・シュスター(Mike Schuster)は、AIが言語学習や通翻訳の専門家に取って代わることは不可能であるとし、どんなに機械翻訳が進んだとしても、人類はまだ外国語学習をしなければならないと述べている。本研究では、日本の小説を中心に、グーグル翻訳とネイバーパパゴの機械翻訳を利用した日韓翻訳の結果を通じて、機械翻訳による誤謬の類型を考察した。その結果、慣用句などの語彙、助詞、受身表現、指示詞などの文法、敬語、文末などの文体、分かち書き、符号などにおける誤謬がみられた。従って、翻訳家という職業がなくなるという一般論に対する反論ができたと考える。

In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, machine translation has become a social topic, and translators have been ranked first in the ranks of occupations that will disappear in the future. However, there are still many errors in Google Translation and Korean Naver Papago Translation, and especially in the case of literary works, the contents cannot be understood. However, no matter how much the quality of machine translation increases dramatically, Mike Schuster says that AI still has to replace language learning and translation professionals, no matter how much he thinks the quality of machine translation will improve. In this study, the types of errors caused by machine translation were examined through the results of Japanese and Korean translations using Google Translation and Naver Papago Machine Translation, mainly Japanese novels. As a result, errors were found in vocabulary such as idioms, grammar such as postpositional particles, passive expressions and demonstrative expressions, styles of writing such as honorific forms and document tail, signs, etc. Therefore, I was able to argue against the general theory that I would lose my occupation as a translator because of the advancement of translation technology.

1. 들어가기
2. 선행연구
3. 연구방법
4. 기계번역의 정의 및 방식
5. 기계번역의 오류유형 분석 및 고찰
6. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]