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KCI 등재
Comparative Study of China’s Ye’cheng System and Korea’s Gyeongbokgung Palace
馬小懿 ( Xiaoyi Ma )
인문사회 21 9권 6호 75-85(11pages)
DOI 10.22143/HSS21.9.6.6
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-300-001188214

本文以中国邺城城制和韩国景福宫及汉城城制为对象,探寻中国和韩国都城选址及都城城市规划设计的依据、特点及意义,并以此对比中国和韩国在都城城制、宫阙设计上的异同之处。文中所选的邺城为中国南北朝时期都城,自曹魏时期一直沿用到北齐时期。邺城城制首创了棋盘型城市布局,形成了一个功能分区明确,城市制度严禁的城市。它作为后世的隋唐长安城的建设的先驱,其对于中国后世都城建设有承上启下的重要作用。韩国景福宫以及汉城则为韩国朝鲜王朝时期建设, 主导思想由佛教转为儒教思想时所建造的都城,其宫城设计理念及城市设计均体现了儒教文化与韩国传统风水、天人思想,对于韩国后世的文化思想发展均有着不可或缺的作用,其都城城制有一些也保留沿用至今,是对于韩国历史文化研究非常重要的研究遗迹。

This article explores the basis, characteristics and significance of the location of China and South Korea's capital city.Including with the planning and design of the metropolitan city in China, and the comparison between China and South Korea in the city of the capital city. The similarities and differences in the design of the palace. The city selected in the article is the capital of China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has been used since the Cao Wei period to the Northern Qi Dynasty. The Ye’cheng City system first created a chessboard-type urban layout, forming a city with a clear functional division and a city system. It is the pioneer of the construction of Chang'an City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties of the later generations. It plays an important role in the construction of the future capital city of China. Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul and Seoul were built during the Korean dynasty. However,the dominant city was built when Buddhism was changed from Buddhism to Confucianism. It’s palace design concept and urban design reflect Confucian culture and Korean traditional geomantic omen and world-people thought. It has an indispensable role in the development of cultural thoughts in Korea's later generations. Some of its capital city systems have been retained and still used today, and are very important research relics for Korean historical and cultural studies.

Ⅰ. 邺城城制分析
Ⅱ. 汉城城制特点
Ⅲ. 邺城与汉城的文化意义对比
Ⅳ. 结语
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]