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KCI 등재
『漢英韻府』에 반영된 北京官話音系
The Peking Phonetics in the Late Qing Dynasty Reflected in the 『A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language』 (『漢英韻府』)
중국언어연구 80권 35-63(29pages)
DOI 10.38068/KJCL.80.2
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-700-001659592

淸代官話羅馬字母著作有; ⑴ 官話課本(Mandarin Book) ⑵ 漢·英字典(Chinese-English Dictionary) ⑶ 聖經音譯本(the Bible)。『漢英韻府』 (A Syllabic Dictionary ofthe Chinese Language)是1874年由美國傳敎師Samuel Wells Williams(中國名: 衛三畏)耗費十一年時間編纂的漢英字典 『漢英韻府』主要根據『五方元音』的編排法編的一部漢英字典, 附北京、廣州、厦門和上海四個方言點的語音。該字典所記的語音了解19世紀中期北京官話的實際情況。『漢英韻府』在漢語硏究史上具有重要的地位。 『漢英韻府』修訂版記載的北京官話口語和今天的北京話的音系已无異, 與其他同時期出版的北京官話著作如『尋津錄』, 『語言自邇集』, 『約翰福音書』, 『華英袖珍字典』及『官話萃珍』的音系相同。在『漢英韻府』的語言特点說明, 『漢英韻府』記載了的19世紀中期北京官話的演變向現代普通話的演變靠拢。

『A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language』 was extremely popular after being published by Shanghai American Mission Press in 1874. As the practical dictionary to help foreigners learn Chinese, the dictionary records the pronunciation of Mandarin, Peking, Canton, Shanghai, Amoy, Fuzhou, Shantou, Yantai. These are the raw materials of the Chinese dialects in the 19th century, which provide a wide range of basic data for historical comparative linguistic study of modern Chinese language. The record of 『A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language』 can provide the real evidence for several dispute. Chinese Romanized Texts have the Mandarin Book, the Chinese-English Dictionary, the Bible in the late Qing dynasty. This article will compare 『A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language』 with the Mandarin.

1. 序 言
2. 『漢英韻府』의 배열법과 拼音體系
3. 『漢英韻府』의 官話
4. 『漢英韻府』의 北京官話音系
5. 結 論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]