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A comparative Study on the Major Characters' Image of Mo Yan's ≪TanXiangXing(檀香刑)≫
김화 ( Jin Hua ) , 김덕환 ( Kim Dukhwan ) , 권호종 ( Kwon Hojong )
DOI 10.33078/COWOL66.03
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2019-800-001773578

莫言,在1980年代中期以鄕土作品崛起,以描寫“懷鄕”和“怨鄕”的作品著稱,在中國現代文學史上被歸類爲“尋根文學”作家。莫言,原名爲管謨業,1955年2月17日出生於山東高密,是個地地道道的山東人.莫言在小學五年級時因文化大革命而輟學,在農村勞動長達10年,主要從事農業,種高粱·種棉花·放牛·割草.文革期間無書可看時,他甚至看≪新華字典≫,尤其喜歡字典裏的生字.後來莫言的母親買來一套範文瀾的≪中國通史簡編≫,至此也開始潛移默化的影響了莫言往後的寫作生涯。 楊楊, <莫言硏究資料>載於≪中國當代作家硏究資料叢書≫(天津人民出版社 2005.05)1) 在創作≪檀香刑≫時,莫言又重新回到了故鄕高密東北鄕.莫言曾說:“故鄕對我來說是一個久遠的夢境,是一種傷感的情緖,是一種精神的寄托,也是一個逃避現實生活的巢穴.那個地方會永遠存在下去,但我的精神却注定了會飄來蕩去。” 莫言, <我的故鄕與我的小說>載於≪當代作家評論≫,天津人民出版, 1993.故鄕與他天賦中的氣質·激情·靈感乃至血脈融爲一體,從而爲我們貢獻出了這部酣暢而動魄的小說。 ≪檀香刑≫是莫言潛心五年完成的一部長篇力作,發表於2001年,發表同時便引起文學界熱議,被譽爲當代漢語文學中“眞正民族化的小說”,甚至於有的評論家用“偉大”形容這部小說。

≪Tanxiangxing(檀香刑)≫ constitutes a very unique subjective world of sensation with the method of free narrating and making stranger’s feeling(陌生化), which makes the whole novel an advanced(先鋒) color. In this advanced color, what makes the reader's soul move and plunge into is the description of the figures as if they are alive. ≪Tanxiangxing≫ has attracted a great interests to accelerate readers breathing speed by splitting one person into two characters, thus completely conquering the minds of the readers. Mo Yan(莫言)as one of the chinese writers who excels in artistic dialectics is a language magician having brought the magic of chinese literature to the highest level. Meiniang(眉娘) The heroine of ≪Tanxiangxing≫ is both an wise wife and filial daughter on the one hand, and an adultery woman and vamp on the other. These two contrasting images of Meiniang serve as an element that clearly reveals the characters of another three main persons who appear through the entire novel. The contrasting figures of her father-in-law who is very cruel on the one hand, repaying for the kindness he has received from others on the other hand, shows readers the image of the worst executioner both hateful and lamentable, accentuating the satirical significance of the novel. And Sunbing(孫丙) Meiniang's father is highlighted in contrast of the inability as a head of household and the resistance to injustice. This is due to the intention to make his image clear and make readers feel some special ‘human nature’. Finally, the contrasting image of Qianding(錢丁) who only humiliatingly obeyed to the Ching(淸) dynasty exploding the rebellious consciousness at last made the story come to the end smoothly, making the readers feel a complete unexpected reversal. The description of this contrasting figure plays a crucial role in the whole story of ≪Tanxiangxing≫. Highlighting every each figure in a very contrasting way, the author has revealed the true nature of human being to the full. This human nature is a result of being intensively illuminated in a particular historical environment, but it is ultimately the writer's own reflection on the good and evil of human nature. The angelic good and devilish evil that coexist in human nature always lurk in subconsciousness, and explodes only in abnormal special situations, and this unruly preaching of these characteristics of human nature is the greatest feature and essence of this work. It is the greatest feature and essence of this work to describe these characteristics of human nature without a trace.

Ⅰ. 序言
Ⅱ. ≪檀香刑≫ 故事梗槪
Ⅲ. ≪檀香刑≫ 人物形象比較
Ⅳ. 結 語
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]