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스포츠 생리학 : 유 · 무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스 훈련이 피하지방 및 체력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Aero · Unaero Mixing Aerobic Dance with Weight Training on Body Fat Skinfold and Physical Fitness Changes in College Women
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-000215103

에어로빅 댄스 운동의 전문가나 경기에어로빅 선수, 그리고 에어로빅 댄스 운동을 하는 일반인들에게 활용될 수 있는 훈련효과에 관한 자료를 제공하고자, 건강한 여대생 15명을 유산소성 에어로빅 댄스 훈련 집단(7명)과 유·무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스 훈련 집단(8명)으로 나누어, 12주간 훈련을 수행시켜, 집단내 및 집단간 피하지방 및 체력변화를 비교·분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 유산소성 에어로빅 댄스 훈련 집단은 삼두근 부위 피하지방 두께 감소(훈련 8주후), 상장골 부위 피하지방 두께 감소(훈련 8주후, 12주후) 등의 훈련전에 비해 유의한 훈련효과를 나타냈다 (p<0.05). 2. 유·무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스 훈련 집단은 상장골 부위 피하지방 두께 감소(훈련 8주후, 12주후), 체지방을 감소(훈련 12주후), 근지구력 증가(훈련 8주후, 12주후: p<0.05) 등의 훈련전에 비해 유의한 훈련효과를 나타냈다(p<0.01). 3. 유산소성 에어로빅 댄스만을 훈련한 경우보다는 유·무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스를 훈련한 경우가 체지방율 감소(훈련 8주후), 체전굴 증가(훈련 12주후) 등에서 상대적으로 유의한 훈련효과로 나타났다(p<0.05).

The effects of aero·unaero mixing aerobic dance with weight training on body fat skinfold and physical fitness changes were investigated. The 2-types of aerobic dance training groups, one was aero-aerobic dance training group< AD >, the other was aero-anaero mixing aerobic dance training group< AAD >. The training regimen involved 12 weeks. ; 1-4wk. basic fitness program, 4-8 wk, 40min×2/day, 5/week of and 30 min ×2/day 5/week of basic aerobic dance training program. 9-12wk, 60 min×2/day, 5/week of basic aerobic dance works program and audition rehersal. AAD have worked 6 events of weight training additionally. Exercise intensity was about 75% 1RM×10, 3 sets relatively. By one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures in a condition by training interval and by two-way analysis of variance measures or analysis of covariance measures design between groups were used. The significant differences is p<0.05. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. in AD, triceps(8wk) and suprailiac skinfold thickness(8,12wk) were decreased significantly(p<0.05). 2. in AAD, suprailiac skinfold(8, 12wk) and %body fat(12wk) were decreased significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01). On physical fitness variables, muscle endurance(8, 12wk)was incerased significantly(p<0.05). 3. The AAD showed more positive training effects on variables. Especially, %body fat(8wk) was decreased and, front flexibility(12wk) was increased significantly(p<0.05).

I. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 결과
IV. 논의
V. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]