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KCI 등재
재일조선인의 ‘조국’ 체험과 ‘서울’의 생산 - 이회성의 『이루지 못한 꿈』과 이양지의 『유희』를 중심으로 -
양명심 , 박종명
일본어문학 83권 199-217(19pages)
DOI 10.18704/kjjll.2019.12.83.199
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-800-000621589

在日朝鮮人は、どんな形であれ、祖国との関係を通じて彼らの存在の根拠を探ってきた。在日朝鮮人の生活は、肉体的にも精神的にも韓国と日本の間を往復する振り子のようなものだった。揺らぎと葛藤に満ちた在日朝鮮人の生活が、これまで在日文学研究の主な主題であった。 本論文では、在日を代表する作家李恢成の長編『見果てぬ夢』(1977-79)と李良枝の『由熈』(1989)を分析の対象にし、主人公たちが共通的に'留学'という形でソウルを体験しながら'ソウル'という場所が特別な場所として生産されていく過程を分析しようとした。二人の作家の作品から'ソウル'を体験し、想像する方法について考察し、心理的·物理的な移動を通じて在日朝鮮人の韓国意識が'再現の空間'としてどのように形象化されているのかを分析した。それを通じて多様な角度から再構成されたソウルの経験とイメージが一つの社会的場所として在日朝鮮人にどんな意味を持つのかを明らかにした。

Zainichi Korean wanted to find the ground of their existence through their relationship with the homeland in any form or shape. As such, the life of Zainichi Koreans was, like a “pendulum that swings from right to left,” composed of the consecutive movements of a pendulum that comes and goes between Korea and Japan both physically and psychologically. The life of Zainichi Koreans, full of swings and conflicts, has been the main narration of Korean Japanese literature so far, and has been the main theme of studies on Korean Japanese literature. Specifically, Hoe-sung Lee’s Mihatenu Yume(1976-79) and Yang-ji Lee’s Yuhee(1989) were examined to analyze the process of ‘producing’ Seoul as the main characters in the novels commonly experience Seoul in the form of ‘studying abroad,’ and recognize and add meaning to ‘Seoul’ as a special place. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the ways of experiencing and imagining Seoul and perceiving Korea in the works of the two writers, and to discuss how ‘Seoul’ was produced as a ‘space of representation’ through psychological and physical mobility. By doing so, changes in the ethics of the main characters depending on movements between physical and mental places are examined.

1. 서론
2. 역사의 재생과 정치적 장소의 생산: 이회성의 『이루지 못한 꿈(見果てぬ夢)』
3. 경계 넘기를 통한 장소생산과 장소착오: 이양지의『유희』
4. 나가며
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]