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히로시마시립 중앙도서관본 『통속 징비록』에 대하여 - 1945년 8월 6일의 원자폭탄 투하에서 살아남은, 세계 최초의 『징비록』 번역본 -
On Tsuzoku Chohiroku in Hiroshima City Central Library - The first translation of Jinbirok, that survived from the atomic bombing in 6 August 1945, Hiroshima -
김시덕 ( Kim Shi-duck )
일어일문학연구 112권 121-141(21pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-800-000446411

この論文では『通俗懲毖錄』が再發見された經緯を報告し、その文學的·學術的な意義を檢討した。 廣島藩の儒者であった金子忠福によって1783年に著された『通俗懲毖錄』は、藩主の嫡男をはじめとする藩內の兒童向けの敎科書として企畵されたものと見られる。廣島市立淺野文庫に所藏されていた『通俗懲毖錄』は、1945年8月6日に米軍の原爆投下によって燒失したものと考えられていた。しかし、原爆投下の直前に圖書館から疎開され、また、燒失を免れた文獻に大きな損傷を與えた9月の水害をも奇跡的に逃れた『通俗懲毖錄』は、2015年に再びその姿を現した。 1604年頃に草本が完成されたと思われる『懲毖錄』は、その後、16卷本、木活字本、2卷本の段階を經て朝鮮のなかで廣く讀まれていく。そして、2卷本『懲毖錄』が對馬·福岡を經由して學問の中心地であった京都に傳わり、1695年に訓点付きの4卷本『朝鮮懲毖錄』として刊行される。その10年後の1705年には、『朝鮮懲毖錄』と日本·明の壬辰戰爭關係文獻の內容を融合した『朝鮮軍記大全』と『朝鮮太平記』という2点の軍記が同時發賣されたことから、『朝鮮懲毖錄』は刊行まもない時期からその意義が日本でも認められていたことと見られる。そして、1695年の訓点本や1705年の通俗軍記を經て、今回は通俗本、すなわち、漢字·片反名混じり文の飜譯本『通俗懲毖錄』が著されたのである。これは、日本に傳わった中國の古典が訓点本を經て通俗本として飜譯出版されることにより、日本社會のなかで古典として定着していく過程と一致する。 1783年に著わされた『通俗懲毖錄』は、19世紀末一20世紀初頭の間に製作されたと見られる諺解本(古典韓國語譯本)『光明飜譯懲毖錄』より100年程先に著されたので、漢文(古典中國語)で著された『懲毖錄』を、その他の言語に飜譯した最初の作品であることをも特筆すべきである。

This article reports details of the rediscovery of Tsuzoku Chohiroku and discusses on the value of it. In 1783, KANEKO Tadafuku, a Neo-Confucian of Hiroshima-Han, wrote it. He aimed to make a useful textbook for the heir of his lord and other boys in the school managed by Hiroshima-Han. After Meiji Restoration, Tsuzoku Chohiroku became the possession of Hiroshima City Library. It has been believed that Tsuzoku Chohiroku was destroyed by the nuclear bomb attack of US fighter. But, in 2015, the news was reported that Tsuzoku Chohiroku was evacuated from the library a few days before the bombing, and also did not get damaged by the flood in september 1945. It is believed that RYU Seongryong wrote the draft of Jingbirok around 1604. After his death, Jingbirok had been published in the forms of 16 volumns, tree typos and 2 volumns and gained great reputation. Jingbirok in 2 volumns entered into Tokugawa Japan. It was delivered throught Tsushima and Fukuoka into Kyoto where had been the center of learning in Japan. In 1695, Chosen Chohiroku in 4 volumns with kunten or japanese-style reading signs for classical chinese books was printed in Kyoto. After 10 years, 2 heavy-volumn military novels called Chosen Gunki Taizen and Chosen Taiheiki were published at the same time in Kyoto. The authors of these 2 books used Chosen Chohiroku as the main source on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea in 1592-98. From this fact, it is guessed that Chosen Chohiroku has been recognized as the valuable source book on the invasion. And, after the publication of kunten-book and military novels, the translation of Chosen Chohiroku was written in Hiroshima in 1783. It is often claimed that chinese classics had been read in original classical chinese version at first and kunten-version had followed it, and finally the translation of the books had been published. It was not until the had been recognized as must-read classics for japanese. It is obvious that Jingbirok had followed the same path and become the classics for japanese. As the translation of Jingbirok from classical chinese into foreign language Tsuzoku Chohiroku was written about 100 years earlier than classical korean translation Gwangmyeong Beonyeok Jingbirok which was translated in late 19th century or early 20th century. Therefore, Tsuzoku Chohiroku is the first translation of Jingbirok from classical chinese into foreign languages in the world.

1. 들어가며
2. 『통속 징비록』의 재발견 경위 및 현존 상태
3. 『통속 징비록』의 번역서로서의 성격과 내용상 특징
4. 나가며 - 향후 과제
[참고 1] 『통속 징비록』의 가네코 다다토미 발문
[참고 2] 『통속 징비록』 「혹사기(或私記)」
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]