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일본 고전 속의 역병과 미신, 그리고 가짜뉴스 -질병과 공동체로 본 일본 사회 서벌턴-
An Analytic Study of Japanese Classic Literature : Case Study Epidemics, Superstitions, Fake News and Japanese Mores
금영진 ( Keum¸ Young-jin )
일어일문학연구 115권 21-41(21pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-800-001253918

本稿では2020年コロナ禍を機に、疫病の流行に伴う信仰や迷信の問題ならびに、流言飛語やフェイクニュースの拡散問題を追及してみた。具体的には日本古典文学資料に見る過去の疫病流行に伴う流言飛語の発生や拡散の状況について調べてみた。その結果、神仏に帰依し、その力で疫病の流行を押さえようとする試みがかつて信仰と迷信の間を行き来する形で行われてきたことが分かった。 迷信の良し悪しはともかく、疫病退散のために行われた様々な試みは当時の人々にとって心の支えになったことが言える。ただ問題は、疫病への無知や誤解、漠然とした恐怖によって生じた様々な迷信や流言飛語が他の人間に危害を及ぼすことである。とくにSNSでその伝播力や拡散スピードをさらにアップした現代の流言飛語、すなわちフェイクニュースの弊害は深刻である。 実際、日本ではコロナ禍を機に様々なフェイクニュースが流されたが、それが外国人を含む特定の少数集団、すなわちサバルタンに対する排斥や差別に繋がってしまった。そして、それは韓国における嫌悪を助長するフェイクニュースの流布やコロナ差別の発生とも軌を一にする。フェイクニュースは疫病への漠然たる恐怖や怒りの矛先がその社会のもっとも弱い集団に向けられる点でとくに問題になる。本稿では日本における過去の疫病関連の流言飛語の発生やその拡散の様子を探ることで、この度のコロナ禍に伴って拡散したフェイクニュースの実態から反面教師の教訓が得られることを望むところである。

In the context of a year of overwhelming turbulence―in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, this paper aims to analyze the issues of faith and superstition associated with the pandemic. Moreover, it sets to pursue the increasingly prevalent problem of spreading rumors and fake news. Specifically, I the study investigated the situation for the occurrences and spreading of rumored words associated with past epidemics in Japanese classical literature. As a result, the discovery was that they attempted to devote it to the gods and Buddha. Therefore, to control the epidemic was a struggle between their respective powers, switching back and forth from faith to superstition. Regardless of the prevailing opinions on superstitions― whether they are good or bad, it can be said that the various attempts made to eliminate the plague helped the people at that time. However, the problem is that various superstitions and rumors caused by ignorance and misunderstanding of the plague and vague fears caused more harm to other human beings. In particular, the harmful effects of fake news, which is a modern rumored word that has further accelerated both its spreading power and speed on social medial platforms, are serious. In As a matter of fact, in Japan, various hoaxes were swept away by the coronavirus wreck, which led to the exclusion and discriminatory behavior against a specific minority group including foreigners, often considered as the subalterns. Fake news is particularly problematic in directing vague fears and anger at the plague of the weakest groups in the society. In this paper, the researcher would like to provide a forum for discussions where the lessons of teachers can be learned from the fake news phenomenon that occurred with the recent coronavirus disaster.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 역병과 신앙, 그리고 미신
Ⅲ. 미신과 유언비어, 그리고 가짜뉴스
Ⅳ. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]