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K 지역의 정신보건사업의 활성화를 위한 보건소의 역할
The Roles of Public Health Office for Activation Community Mental Health Project of K Region
김윤희(Yoon Hee Kim),김정숙(Jeong Suk Kim)
정신간호학회지 7권 2호 417-430(14pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008075668

암환자 집단이 인지하고 있는 최근 5년간 생활스트레스, 사회적지지 및 대응방법를 조사하고 변수들과의 상관관계를 파악하여 정상인과 비교해봄으로써 암의 발병과의 관계를 파악하고자 1996년 10월1일부터 1997년 2월15일까지 암환자 81명과 일반적 특성이 유사한 정상인 87명을 대상으로 조사·분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 암환자가 인지하고 있는 생활스트레스 점수는 평균 172.54로서 2년내 질병발생 가능성 35%의 점수범위이었고, 정상인의 스트레스 점수 109.24보다 유의하게 높았다. 2. 암환자가 지각해온 사회적지지 점수는 평균 86.70으로서 정상인의 88.51보다 낮았으나 유의하지 못하였다. 3. 암환자의 과거 대응방법 이용점수는 평균 80.28로서 정상인의 대응방법 이용점수 88.09보다 대응방법 이용정도가 유의하게 낮았다. 4. 정상인은 생활스트레스와 대응방법, 사회적지지와 대응방법 점수간에 유의한 정상관계가 있었으나 암환자의 생활스트레스와 사회적지지 및 대응방법간에는 어떤 관계도 나타나지 않았다.

This study was aimed to examine the role of public health office such as understanding the present situations of mentally disordered persons in the region of jurisdication requiring study, grasping highly possible group to be mentally disordered, investigation of the request of the residents for mental health service and mental health promotion of local residents as basic investigation study to examine the roles of public health office which should make management of chronic psychiatric patients and performs effectively the work of mental health promotion of local residents. This study has been conducted for 2 years from Jan. 1997 through Dec. and 118 psychiatric patients (48 mean and 70 women) registered with public health office, 100 residents who answered to the investigation requesting mental health service and 1,283 residents to find the highly dangerous group of mental disorder among 55,005 residents of K region (Kapyung-Gun contry), and total 1,501 residents have participated at the study, and the collected materials have been statistically managed by frequency degree and percentage according to the purpose of the study. The Result of the study First, Total number of psychiatric patients was 118 by 48 men(40.7%) and 70 women(59.3%), and they are classified by medical examination schizophrenia by 44(37.3%), mood disorder by 21(17.8%), eplepsy by 19(16.1%) and mental retardation by 11(9.3%). The age distribution showed that 28.8% was thirties, 23.7% fourties, 17.0% sixties and 16.1% tweenties. Second, They requested the health promotion of the aged by 35.0% most as the business required for mental health promotion of the residents while management of the aged who live alone showed 14.0%, steady mental health education 10.2%, stress management education 10.2%, education that drinking is dangerous 8.3%, psychiatric disease prevention education 7.3%, management of dementia patients 6.3% and chronic psychiatric patients 5.8%. This region showed that the business for health promotion for the aged who occy 10% of all the residents and health management has been highly requested. Third, They also required political consideration for transportation convenience in order to manage chronic psychiatric patients, professional manpower and financial support, development of rehabilitation program and the use of welfare facilities, and the effective ways and measures are required to developed for understanding the cause of stress and the management of stress to promote the health of the residents and positive propagation and education are required on no smoking and on drinking considering that smokers and drinkers occupy over 70% of the residents while 13.6% is alcoholic. Fourth, They requested the public health office to do the role of promoting mental health for all the residents, using the leading group in the region, securing professional mental manpower, full understanding and concerns about the chronic psychiatric patients and their family, finding, preventing treating and providing traffic convenience to the residents to reach the public health office. In conclusion, the public health office in K region where there is not nay mental doctor and clinic to contact should start preferentially the psychiatric health business for local community by settling it in existing primary health medical system.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]