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농경지토양의 유기염소계 농약의 잔류평가
Originals : Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Agricultural Soils - 1981
박창규 , 마연식 ( Chang Kyu Park , Yeon Sik Ma )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002431491

전국의 논, 밭, 과수원 및 plastic film house 토양시료 236점을 1981年 4月부터 5月사이에 採取, 유기염소계 잔류농약을 GLC로 분석하였다. 實驗結果는 다음과 같이 要約하였다. 1) α-BHC, γ-BHC, PCNB, heptachlor, aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, α-endosulfan, dieldrin, p, p`-DDD 및 p,p`-DDT 등의 잔류농약성분이 국내 농경지에서 검출되었다. 2) 과수원토양에 잔류성 유기염소계농약이 가장 많았고 논 및 밭토양의 잔류수준은 이에 비해 훨씬 낮았다. 3) 논 및 밭토양에 비해 과수원토양에는 aldrin, α-endosulfan, dieldrin, p,p`-DDD 및 p,p`-DOT의 檢出頻度와 잔류수준이 높았다. 4) α-BHC와 γ-BHC는 모든 供試土壤에서 검출되었으나 농경지별 차이가 없었고, 평균잔류량은 0.008∼0.014 ppm였다 . 5) 과수원토양의 높은 p,p`-DDT의 잔류량에 관해 討論하였고 現用 또는 使用이 禁止된 농약에 대한 잔류연구의 필요성을 강조하였다.

Composite soil samples from 236 sites representing paddy field, up-land, orchard and plastic film house were examined for organochlorine residues by GLC-ECD. Detection frequencies and residual levels of most persistent organochlorine residues in the soil samples were found to depend on the cropping practices. Highest organochlorine residues were found in orchard soils and followed, in decreasing order, plastic film house, up-land and paddy field soils. α-Endosulfan, dieldrin, p,p`-DDD and p,p`-DDT were responsible for the observed high organochlorine residues in the orchard soils. α-BHC and γ-BHC were detected in all 236 soil samples. The mean residue levels of both BHC isomers were, however, remained fairly low. Residues of PCNB and α-endosulfan in native soils are reported, for the first time, in present work. PCNB was present in up-land plastic film house soils while α-endosulfan was found in all agricultural soils studied. High levels of p,p`-DDT and dieldrin were discussed in relation to crops cultivated, amount and duration of the pesticides usage. Need for continued observations on the persistent residue of pesticides in soils, already banned for general use, is emphasized.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]